Athletes and participants in sporting events are expected to try as hard as they can to win their competitions. This expectation has a basis in our culture as well as our legal codes. In fact, individuals who agree to intentionally lose a sporting event in exchange for money can face criminal charges.
The state of California uses California Penal Code Section 337c: Accepting Bribe to Throw a Sporting Event to prosecute these individuals. PC 337c can be a complicated charge to understand on your own. You can get help focusing on the ins and outs of this charge with the Simmrin Law Group.
Accepting a Bribe to Throw a Sporting Event: Definition
You can focus on the legal definition of accepting a bribe to throw a sporting event by going over PC 337c. This legal code allows California’s court system to prosecute individuals for:
- Accepting, Agreeing to Accept, Offering to Accept, or Attempting to Accept
- Money, Bribes, or Objects of Value in Return For
- Not Using Their Best Efforts to Successfully Win
- A Contest, Exhibition, or Sporting Event
Almost any sporting event or contest may be included under PC 337c. The legal system does include some examples of sporting events covered by this charge, including:
- Baseball Games
- Football Games
- Basketball Games
- Horse Racing
- Wrestling Matches
- Boxing Matches
Note that there are some cases in which the actions of individuals participating in wrestling exhibitions will not be prosecuted under PC 337c. However, the actions of athletes and participants in most sporting events, competitions, or contests will be covered by PC 337c.
Accepting a Bribe to Throw a Sporting Event: Penalties
Individuals who are accused of accepting a bribe to throw a sporting event may face felony charges. A conviction for a PC 337c violation can result in:
- Up to Three Years of Prison Time
- Up to $5,000 in Fines
Furthermore, individuals convicted under PC 337c can face a ban that will prevent them from participating in further contests, sporting events, and exhibitions. This means that accepting a bribe to throw a sporting event could end the careers of certain individuals.
Accepting a Bribe to Throw a Sporting Event: Similar Charges
The court system does not just prosecute individuals who accept bribes to throw a sporting event in California. The court system can also charge the individuals who offered the bribe under California Penal Code Section 337b: Bribing Player/Participant To Throw A Sporting Event.
There are also a number of other charges used to prosecute the bribery of other individuals in the state of California. Depending on the individual bribed, these charges can include:
- California Penal Code Section 67 & 68: Bribery Of Or By An Executive Officer Or Public Employee
- California Penal Code Section 85 & 86: Bribery Of Or By Legislators
- California Penal Code Section 92 & 93: Bribery Of Judges And Jurors
- California Penal Code Section 137 & 138: Bribery of or by Witnesses
Each of these charges can lead to serious penalties, including fines and incarceration in the state of California.
Accepting a Bribe to Throw a Sporting Event: Legal Defenses
A Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer can help you go over possible defenses if you are accused of accepting a bribe to throw a sporting event in California. Your lawyer can review all the facts surrounding your case and may be able to demonstrate that you were:
Forced to Accept a Bribe
Not everyone willingly agrees to accept a bribe. If someone threatened your well-being or the well-being of your loved ones in order to get you to agree to accept a bribe, you could be able to avoid a conviction under PC 337c.
Entrapped into Accepting a Bribe
Law enforcement officers sometimes carry out sting operations to try to catch individuals offering or accepting bribes. They are allowed to carry out this action, but they are not permitted to act in an overly aggressive way. If they overstep their legal bounds, you could be able to beat a PC 337c charge.
Speak with a Criminal Defense Lawyer About PC 337c Charges Now
Immediately increase your odds of beating a California Penal Code Section 337c: Accepting Bribe to Throw a Sporting Event charge by contacting the professionals at the Simmrin Law Group today. You can start constructing a defense with our criminal defense lawyers in Los Angeles right now. We can start answering your questions with a FREE initial case evaluation.
Begin focusing on your future now by calling (310) 896-2723 or filling out our online contact form.