Convictions for driving under the influence (DUI) lead to harsh penalties in California. Drivers may be fined and sent to prison. The court can also sentence drivers to years of time on probation. While on probation, drivers have to adhere to regulations set forth by the court system.
Some drivers wonder what will happen if they fail to follow DUI probation regulations. You can review the consequences of DUI probation violations here with the Simmrin Law Group. You can also get help handling probation violation accusations by calling us at (310) 896-2723.
DUI Probation Violations Result in Legal Consequences
DUI probation violations in California can have serious consequences. The court system can issue a bench warrant for any driver that commits a DUI probation violation. A bench warrant allows law enforcement officers to arrest a driver and bring them into court.
Drivers brought to court will have their actions assessed by a judge. If a judge decides the driver violated their probation, a number of penalties may be instituted. A judge may:
Extend the Probationary Period
Often, drivers are required to spend three to five years on probation following a DUI conviction. The court may extend this period, increasing the amount of time a driver is on probation, for a probation violation in California.
Add More Probation Restrictions
Drivers are required to follow all regulations handed down by the court while they’re on probation. The court may add harsher restrictions for a driver to follow after a violation occurs.
Revoke the Driver’s Probation
The court has the right to revoke a driver’s probation completely after a violation. In this situation, the driver could be sent to jail to serve out their original sentence. Note that a judge could also decide to add time to a driver’s jail sentence for a probation violation.
For a free legal consultation, call (310) 896-2723
Acts Leading to DUI Probation Violations in California
Any action that violates orders handed down by the court can be considered a DUI probation violation in California. The exact terms of probation may vary driver-by-driver, but there are a number of common ways to violate DUI probation. Drivers may face legal repercussions if they:
- Don’t enroll in court-ordered programs like DUI school
- Don’t complete their court-ordered programs
- Don’t pay restitution or fines
- Don’t make required appearances in court
Additionally, drivers on DUI probation can violate the terms of their probation if they:
Drive Under the InfluenceCommitting a subsequent DUI will violate the terms of DUI probation. In fact, drivers on DUI probation may not drive after consuming any quantity of alcohol. Consuming even one alcoholic beverage before driving can result in a probation violation.
Refuse Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Testing
Law enforcement officers may ask a driver to complete BAC testing if they believe the driver is operating a vehicle while under the influence. All drivers on DUI probation must comply with these tests, including preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) tests. Refusal will be a probation violation and it will lead to the automatic suspension of a driver’s license.
Legal Options to Handle DUI Probation Violations
You don’t have to try to handle a DUI probation violation on your own in California. You can call (310) 896-2723 to get professional help from a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles. Your lawyer can work quickly to protect you from probation violation accusations.
A legal professional may be able to demonstrate that you did not actually violate your probation. Your lawyer may also be able to minimize the penalties you face for a probation violation in California.
Note that, in many cases, working with a lawyer before a DUI conviction is the best way to avoid a probation violation. The team at the Simmrin Law Group can help you handle DUI charges as soon as you are arrested. We could work to:
- Get your charges reduced
- Get your charges dismissed
- Bring you a successful outcome in court
You can reach out to a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles to get help right now. Work with a legal professional to increase the odds that you will resolve your DUI charges successfully.
Speak to a Lawyer about the Consequences of a DUI Probation Violation
There are a number of consequences for a DUI probation violation in California. You could even face jail time for a probation violation. Make sure you’re ready to handle this serious situation by contacting the Simmrin Law Group for help today. We can review your situation with a FREE consultation.
Call us at (310) 896-2723 or fill out our online contact form and you can speak to a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles quickly.
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