California takes driving under the influence (DUI) very seriously. Each DUI conviction is recorded on your criminal record and your driving record. So, how long does a DUI stay on record in California? The answer to this question depends upon whether we are talking about your criminal or driving record.
A DUI may stay on your driving record for 10 years. DUI convictions may remain on your criminal record permanently. Use this article to learn more about how DUI charges are reported in the long-term.
DUI Convictions Stay on Your Driving Record for 10 Years
A conviction for a DUI in California remains on your driving record for 10 years. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) generally begins recording a DUI from the time you are arrested. There is currently no way to remove a DUI charge from your driving record. You must wait 10 years for it to expire.
However, many drivers do not realize that relatively few people view their driving record. Companies do not access your driving record when performing a background check. Often, the only people who view your driving record are:
- The DMV.
- Your insurance company.
- Members of law enforcement.
That said, a DUI on your driving record may have serious consequences. Let’s review the impact of prior DUI convictions right now.
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DUIs Are Priorable in the State of California
DUIs in California stay on your driving and criminal record because they are “priorable” offenses. This means that past convictions count against you if you are arrested again. Drivers with DUI convictions within the last years face additional penalties for subsequent convictions. For example, a first time DUI in California could result in:
- Up to six months of jail time
- Up to six months of using an ignition interlock device (IID)
- Up to nine months of DUI school
A second DUI within 10 years could result in:
- Up to one year of jail time
- Up to one year of using an IID
- Up to 30 months of DUI school
As you can see, the repercussions for subsequent DUIs in California are serious. You may face increased penalties for each DUI you receive within a 10-year period.
DUIs Remain on Your Criminal Record Indefinitely in California
DUI charges fall off of your driving record in 10 years in California. These charges remain on your criminal record indefinitely. Many people may access your criminal record. You may need to provide information about your criminal record if you are:
- Applying for jobs.
- Working to get into college.
- Taking steps to receive professional licensure.
You may face serious repercussions throughout your life if you have a DUI on your criminal record.
You May Get Your DUI Charge Expunged in California
Fortunately, there are steps you could take to get a DUI removed from your criminal record in California. You could work with a DUI lawyer to have your charge expunged. Expungement removes the charge from your criminal record but not your driving record. A DUI may still count against you if you are arrested for a subsequent offense within 10 years.
You may call to get help with an expungement. A lawyer may help you determine if your charges could be expunged. Generally, DUI charges may only be expunged if:
- You faced all penalties associated with your conviction
- You were not incarcerated in a state prison
- You are facing no other criminal charges
Drivers who meet the above qualifications could have a DUI charge expunged in California. You may also work with a lawyer to prevent a DUI charge from ever being placed on your record. A lawyer could work to get your charges reduced or dismissed after you are arrested. If your charges are dismissed, they will not go on your record.
You could also get help from a lawyer if your case goes to court. A lawyer could help you secure a not-guilty verdict. A not-guilty verdict does not go on your criminal record or your driving record in California.
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Find Out How Long a DUI Stays on Your Record in California
How long does a DUI stay on your record in California? DUI convictions stay on your driving record for 10 years. This conviction stays on your criminal record indefinitely. Get help handling a charge before you are convicted with the Simmrin Law Group. You may complete our online contact form to reach us.
Find out more about your legal options with a free consultation. We’re ready to help you today.
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