Driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) is a criminal act in California. Drivers may be pulled over and arrested if a law enforcement officer suspects they are committing a DUID. They may be asked to complete a blood test to find out if they took drugs before getting behind the wheel.
You can use this article to find out what drugs are detectable for a DUI in California. Review the testing process for a DUID and consider penalties for a DUID conviction. Get fast help if you are facing DUID charges by calling (310) 896-2723 to reach the Simmrin Law Group.
Drug Tests Detect Drugs in Seven Major Categories
Blood tests designed to detect drug use are capable of identifying many different chemical substances. Most of these tests are designed to meet the needs of Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Additionally, the standards for testing are often tied to the recommendations of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Based on the recommendations of DREs and the NHTSA, blood tests are used to detect drugs in the following categories:
- Inhalants
- Hallucinogens
- Narcotic analgesics (pain-killers)
- Stimulants
- Depressants
- Dissociative drugs
Marijuana – or cannabis – can also be detected by drug tests in the state of California. A common drug screening test may look for more than 200 specific drugs, including everything from cocaine to prescription medications like Tramadol.
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Drug Testing Regulations in California
A basic drug toxicology screening test can be used to detect which drugs a driver used before driving. Drivers are legally required to submit to this test if they are:
- Legally arrested
- Under the age of 21
- On DUI probation
Drivers who refuse to take a legally ordered DUI blood test can face legal repercussions. Their license will be automatically suspended for a year for a refusal. The California court system can also add time to their jail or prison sentence if they are convicted for a DUI.
Find out more about drug tests for a DUI by contacting a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles now. Get the information you’re looking for by calling (310) 896-2723.
Drug Testing and Quantitative Analysis for DUIs
Drivers who test positive on a toxicology screen may face additional chemical testing. Labs in the criminal justice system may decide to perform quantitative testing on a driver’s blood sample. Quantitative testing can detect the amount of some drugs in a person’s system.
However, you should be aware that not all drugs can be quantitatively measured. Additionally, California does not have a minimum “allowable” amount of drugs a person can have in their system. Any detectable amount of drugs can lead to DUID charges.
DUID Charges in the State of California
California uses two major charges to prosecute DUIDs. Drivers may be charged under:
- Vehicle Code Section 23152(f): Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
- Vehicle Code Section 23152(g): Driving Under the Combined Influence of Alcohol and Drugs
Note that, while testing a driver’s blood for drugs, law enforcement officers may also perform a blood alcohol content (BAC) test. Drivers who operate a vehicle while impaired by either alcohol or drugs can face harsh penalties. Generally, a first-time conviction for a DUI or DUID in California can result in:
- Fines of thousands of dollars
- Jail time of up to six months
- License restrictions
- Time spent in DUI school
All DUIs in California are priorable offenses. They remain on a driver’s record for 10 years. All subsequent DUI charges during this 10-year period are prosecuted more harshly, with higher fines, lengthier periods of incarceration, and other penalties.
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Defenses for DUID Charges in Los Angeles
You can get help handling a DUID accusation in California, even if your drug screening came back positive. You can improve your chances of successfully resolving these charges by reaching out to a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles as soon as you are arrested.
The professionals at the Simmrin Law Group understand what it takes to handle DUID charges. We can dispute the accuracy of drug screening assessments and work to show that you were not impaired when operating your vehicle. Take steps to build your defense by contacting us now.
Speak to a Lawyer About DUI Charges for Drug Use
Hundreds of drugs are detectable by a DUI screening test. Even small amounts of a substance that can impair your ability to operate a vehicle can lead to DUID charges. You can get help regardless of the results of your drug screening test by reaching out to the Simmrin Law Group. Get a FREE case evaluation from us today.
You can call (310) 896-2723 or complete our online contact form to speak to a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form