Drivers on the roads in and around Torrance, CA must adhere to the speed limits posted by the state. Drivers who are accused of exceeding the speed limit can be pulled over and given a speeding ticket by a police officer.
A speeding ticket can lead to fines and an increase in your insurance premium. In certain severe cases, a ticket can even lead to jail time. Make sure you’re ready to handle these charges by reaching out to the Simmrin Law Group. Our speeding ticket lawyers in Torrance can build your defense today.
Understanding the Speed Limit in California
All roads in California should have a posted speed limit that drivers must follow. Drivers are generally allowed to travel more quickly on highways and other major roads, while facing lower speeds in residential areas.
Note that there are also situations where drivers are expected to operate their vehicles below the posted limit. You may be pulled over for driving at the posted speed limit if you are operating your vehicle:
- In Heavy Traffic
- In Bad Weather
- While Towing Another Vehicle
- In Areas Around Children
Drivers that exceed the speed limit may be stopped by a California Highway Patrol officer and given a speeding ticket.
For a free legal consultation with a speeding ticket lawyer serving Torrance, call (310) 896-2723
Penalties for a Speeding Ticket in Torrance
Speeding tickets are often dismissed by drivers, who just want to pay the fine and move forward with their lives. However, you should be aware that a speeding ticket can come with other serious consequences.
Drivers who are pulled over for speeding may find that their car insurance premiums increase. Speeding tickets also add points to your license. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) may add:
- One Point to Your License for Standard Speeding Violations
- Two Points to Your License for Speeding in Excess of 100 MPH
Note that your driver’s license can be suspended if you accrue too many points. In fact, the DMV can suspend your license if you get:
- Four Points in One Year
- Six Points in Two Years
- Eight Points in Three Years
Getting professional help dealing with a speeding ticket can help protect your driving privileges. A criminal defense lawyer in Torrance can help you deal with a speeding ticket quickly, so you may be able to avoid fines, increased insurance premiums, and points on your license.
Torrance Speeding Ticket Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Misdemeanor Speeding Charges in Torrance
So far, we’ve discussed basic speeding charges in Torrance. These charges are generally treated as an infraction, which is not considered a criminal act. However, in some cases, drivers can be charged with a misdemeanor for speeding under California Vehicle Code Section 23109(c).
This legal code prohibits drivers from accelerating or driving at dangerous speed to impress others. A misdemeanor conviction for an exhibition of speed can lead to fines of up to $500. You may also be forced to spend up to 90 days in jail for a misdemeanor VC 23109(c) conviction.
Click to contact our Torrance Criminal Defense Lawyers today
A Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Torrance Can Defend You
You can start focusing on protecting your future today by contacting a legal professional after you are pulled over for speeding. A speeding ticket lawyer in Torrance can help you understand all of your legal options.
Your lawyer can investigate the situation that led to your speeding ticket charge. A professional lawyer could be able to show that you had no choice but to speed because you needed to avoid risk on the roads. Sometimes, in emergency situations, drivers must exceed the speed limit.
Make sure that you get professional help on your side as quickly as possible. It is vitally important that you take all speeding tickets seriously. Drivers who ignore or avoid their court date can face additional penalties.
In fact, failure to appear in court can lead to criminal charges under California Vehicle Code 40508: Failure to Appear. You may also be charged under VC 40508 if you refuse to pay the fines for your speeding ticket. A conviction for VC 40508 can lead to:
- Fines of Up to $1,000
- Jail Time of Up to Six Months
Make sure you are ready to take on a speeding ticket by reaching out to the Simmrin Law Group today.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now
Protect Your Future with a Torrance Speeding Ticket Lawyer
You can get the help you need to deal with a speeding ticket by reaching out to the Simmrin Law Group now. Our team of speeding ticket lawyers in Torrance can focus on your unique legal needs. Let us begin building your defense today. You can contact us by calling (310) 896-2723 or filling out our online contact form.
Get ready to build your defense right now with a FREE case evaluation.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form