Any involvement with child pornography can be harshly punished in Pomona, CA. Accusations for creating, possessing, or distributing child pornography can be prosecuted in the state or federal court system as well as in the court of public opinion.
Make sure that you get professional help on your side to handle these serious charges. The team at the Simmrin Law Group can stand up for you throughout your court case. Let our child pornography lawyers in Pomona start working on your defense right now.
We Can Help You with State Child Pornography Charges
As we mentioned, both the state court system and the federal court system can prosecute child pornography charges. State charges are generally used if the alleged crimes did not cross state lines in any way. Individuals can be prosecuted in California for knowingly:
- Sending, producing, possessing, duplicating, or sending underage pornography
- Taking any of the above actions while intending to distribute the underage pornography
- Hiring, employing, coercing, or persuading a minor to create underage pornography
- Advertising underage pornography for distribution
For the purposes of child pornography laws, anyone under the age of 18 is considered underage and cannot be involved in pornography. A criminal defense lawyer in Pomona can help if you are accused of violating any of California’s regulations on child pornography.
For a free legal consultation with a child pornography lawyer serving Pomona, call (310) 896-2723
Penalties for a State Child Pornography Conviction
State charges for child pornography can have a number of serious repercussions for your life. You could face misdemeanor or felony charges for child pornography. The results of a conviction can include:
Misdemeanor State Convictions
- Fines of up to $2,000
- Jail time of up to one year
Felony State Convictions
- Fines of up to $100,000
- Jail time of up to eight years
While these penalties can appear very harsh, the federal court system can hand down penalties that are more severe. Let’s go over the federal charges for child pornography now.
Pomona Child Pornography Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Get Legal Advice for Federal Child Pornography Charges
As we mentioned earlier, the federal court system handles child pornography charges if the crime crosses state lines. This can be common in child pornography cases, as many of these illicit images are shared over the internet. The two most common charges used to prosecute child pornography on the federal level are:
If you are convicted on a federal child pornography charge you could end up spending up to 30 years in prison. Make sure you are ready to take on these serious charges by contacting a federal crimes lawyer in Pomona right now.
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Child Pornography and California’s Sex Offender Registry
You should be aware that you may be required to register as a sex offender if you are convicted on child pornography charges. If you have to register as a sex offender, you will need to contact local authorities on a yearly basis and inform them whenever you move.
It is important that you follow the requirement to register as a sex offender if it is handed down by the court system. Failure to register as a sex offender is a criminal act in Pomona. You can be convicted if you do not properly register, leading to additional fines and jail time.
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Build Your Defense for Child Pornography Charges
The penalties for a child pornography conviction can be incredibly harsh. Fortunately, you can increase your chances of successfully resolving these charges by reaching out to the Simmrin Law Group right now. Our sex crimes lawyers in Pomona can help clients in your position by working to show that:
You Did Not Know the Pornography Included Underage Individuals
We mentioned earlier that you should only face child pornography charges for knowingly creating, possessing, or distributing this material. If you possessed or sold pornography while reasonably believing all participants were of legal age, you could be protected from child pornography charges.
You Did Not Intentionally Download Child Pornography
Sometimes, people’s computers become infected with malware. Some of these viruses can download unwanted programs and other files onto your computer. If these nefarious programs placed child pornography on your computer without your knowledge, a lawyer could help you.
Let the team at the Simmrin Law Group go over your specific situation so they can build your defense to child pornography charges in Pomona.
Get Help from a Pomona Child Pornography Lawyer
You need professional help if you are facing state or federal child pornography charges. The Simmrin Law Group can provide you with a strong defense. Let us start reviewing your legal options now with a FREE case evaluation.
You can contact our child pornography lawyers in Pomona by calling (310) 896-2723 or completing our online contact form.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form