While on probation, you must adhere to all regulations ordered by your judge. In California, any type of probation violation is punishable by the court system. If you are facing probation violation charges, the criminal defense lawyers at Simmrin Law Group can help.
We are trustworthy probation violation lawyers in Lakewood, California, and we are here to take on your case. Our defense team is experienced in probation breaches, and we have a variety of legal strategies to defend your case and reduce your penalties.
Can an Attorney Negotiate My Probation Violation?
California Penal Code 1203.2 covers all probation violations, including misdemeanor, felony, and DUI probations. Therefore, no matter what type of probation you are on, committing a criminal act during your probation period can lead to severe probation violation penalties.
A criminal defense lawyer can step in and help anyone facing probation violations. Defense attorneys review the details of your case and use defense strategies to dismiss your charges or get them reduced to an agreeable level.
If you are facing charges for committing a crime while on probation, a Lakewood lawyer for probation violations can defend you. We partner with clients facing drug, property, white-collar, and violent crime charges and fight for them to receive the justice they deserve.
For a free legal consultation with a probation violation lawyer serving Lakewood, call (310) 896-2723
Charges You Face for Violating Probation in California
If the California court believes you violated your probation, they can issue a warrant for your arrest, bring you to court, and hold you in jail until your probation violation hearing. The judge can revoke, modify, or change the type of punishment you receive if they deem you guilty of breaching your probation, even if it’s your first time.
Some of the penalties you may face for violating probation include:
- Probation revocation and jail sentencing
- Probation extension
- Court-ordered counseling and treatment programs (usually for drug-relation violations)
- Community service
- Adding additional terms to your probation
When determining your probation violation punishments, a judge has authority over deciding what type of consequences you should face. But with the right criminal defense lawyer on your side, you can feel confident that you will receive a fair probation violation hearing.
Can You Go to Jail for Violating Probation?
In most cases, a judge orders probation in place of jail and prison sentences. Therefore, a judge can order that you go to jail for a probation violation. In fact, a judge can cancel your probation altogether and impose the maximum jail sentence if you are found guilty of breaching your probation.
Jail and prison sentences are most commonly given to those who:
- Have a lengthy criminal record
- Were found guilty of a severe crime (such as a violent crime)
- Committed a subsequent criminal act
- Flagrantly ignored their probation terms
Don’t risk receiving a prison sentence. Instead, allow an experienced California probation violation attorney to evaluate your claim and fight to reduce your charges.
Lakewood Probation Violation Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
How Our Lakewood Probation Lawyers Defend Your Violation
Our Lakewood probation violation lawyers gather facts and evidence to prove that you did not breach your probation. Then, we present this evidence to the judge to reduce your penalties or get them dismissed altogether.
Some of our probation violation defense tactics include proving that you:
- Were falsely accused of breaching the terms of your probation
- Followed all terms of your probation
- Have no record of criminal history besides your current crime
- Were the victim of an illegal search by police (a violation of the Fourth Amendment)
Without a dedicated probation attorney on your side, the judge may impose strict penalties, like maximum prison sentences. Our criminal defense attorneys stand up for your rights and take charge of your legal situation. We are committed to preserving justice for our clients, and we are ready to build a strong defense for your probation violation charges.
Click to contact our Lakewood White Collar Crimes Lawyers today
How Much Will a Lakewood Probation Violation Attorney Cost?
Lawyer fees for probation violations vary from case to case. Therefore, determining how much your probation violation attorney in Lakewood will cost depends on your specific situation. Law firms are not required to charge a set rate, and some cost more based on their size and level of expertise.
At Simmrin Law Group, we strive to be transparent with our clients. Therefore, you can expect us to charge an hourly fee for our criminal defense services. We understand that every criminal defense case is different, which is why our rates reflect the complexity of your charges.
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Review Your Probation Violation With Our Lakewood Criminal Defense Law Firm
If you are facing probation violation charges, it’s time to partner with the skilled criminal defense attorneys at Simmrin Law Group. Our legal experts understand California probation violation laws, and we have a record of building strong defenses to reduce charges for our clients.
Learn more about our Lakewood probation violation lawyers’ defense tactics by scheduling a free case review. Our defenders can analyze your position and determine the most effective legal options to take. Contact us now to get started.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form