Handling bank fraud charges on your own can increase the odds that you will be convicted in Santa Clarita, CA. Fortunately, you can get professional help in your corner right now. The Simmrin Law Group is ready to begin constructing your defense today.
Reaching us for help handling bank fraud charges is easy. Just call (310) 896-2723 to get in contact with our bank fraud lawyers in Santa Clarita. We can assess your legal situation and get to work defending you in and out of the courtroom immediately.
Focus on the Facts About Bank Fraud in Santa Clarita
Bank fraud is a federal crime throughout the United States. This means that bank fraud will be prosecuted in the federal court system by highly trained and experienced prosecutors. It also means that you can face incredibly harsh penalties for a conviction.
The federal court system uses 18 U.S. Code Section 1344 to prosecute individuals accused of bank fraud. According to this legal code, individuals commit bank fraud when they intentionally and willfully defraud a financial institution. Financial institutions can include:
- Banks
- Credit unions
- Savings and loan associations
You can get fast assistance with bank fraud charges by contacting a criminal defense lawyer in Santa Clarita right now.
For a free legal consultation with a bank fraud lawyer serving Santa Clarita, call (310) 896-2723
Review Some Examples of Bank Fraud in California
You can strengthen your understanding of bank fraud charges by reviewing some examples of this criminal act. Let’s go over a few examples right now.
Man A fills out a loan application at a bank. He includes false information on the application with the intention of obtaining funds he would not otherwise be given. He could be convicted of bank fraud in Santa Clarita.
Man B takes a friend’s checkbook. He uses a check to draw out money from his friend’s account, without his friend’s knowledge or permission. This qualifies as an act of bank fraud in the state of California.
Man C works at a bank and, while at work, he mails several packages that are part of a fraudulent scheme. He could be charged with both bank fraud and mail fraud, facing serious legal consequences if he is convicted.
Santa Clarita Bank Fraud Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
The Results of a Santa Clarita Bank Fraud Conviction
The federal court system generally handles bank fraud charges very harshly. Federal prosecutors are used to securing convictions and they often have years of experience on their side. If you are convicted of bank fraud in Santa Clarita, you could end up facing:
- Up to 30 years in a federal prison
- Up to $1 million in fines
Often you will also have to repay the amount of money you obtained through the fraudulent actions. A conviction for bank fraud on your criminal record may also make it difficult for you to get credit, even after you are released from federal prison.
Make sure you are taking bank fraud charges seriously by working with a federal crimes lawyer in Santa Clarita today. Just call (310) 896-2723 so you can get your legal questions answered by the professionals at the Simmrin Law Group.
Click to contact our Santa Clarita Criminal Defense Lawyers today
Santa Clarita Bank Fraud Charges and Legal Defenses
The team at the Simmrin Law Group can work to defend you if you are accused of bank fraud in Santa Clarita. Allow us to thoroughly investigate your case so we can develop a defense that will work for you. Depending upon your unique situation, we may be able to show that:
You Didn’t Intend to Commit Bank Fraud
Fraud is always a crime of intent in California. This means that you must intentionally try to obtain the valuables of another person through trickery or deceit to be convicted of fraud. If you made a mistake that appeared suspicious, you could avoid a bank fraud conviction.
You Only Completed Legal Banking Activities
You may be falsely accused of committing bank fraud after performing only legal actions. In this situation, your lawyer can work to demonstrate that you adhered to all relevant laws and regulations. Allow us to go over the transactions flagged as fraud right now.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now
Allow a Santa Clarita Bank Fraud Lawyer to Help You
Take proactive steps to defend yourself from bank fraud charges in Santa Clarita by reaching out to the professionals at the Simmrin Law Group. We may be able to get your charges reduced or even dismissed in some cases. Begin working on your case today by calling us at (310) 896-2723 or completing our online contact form.
Our bank fraud lawyers in Santa Clarita are fully prepared to offer you a FREE case evaluation today.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form