White-collar crimes, including fraud and embezzlement, can be harshly punished in Thousand Oaks, CA. These financial crimes are generally non-violent. However, the penalties for a conviction should not be underestimated. If convicted of a white-collar crime, you could face fines and incarceration.
Fortunately, you can begin building a defense to a white-collar crime accusation today by reaching out to the Simmrin Law Group. Let our white-collar crime lawyers in Thousand Oaks take steps to get your charges reduced or dismissed as they prepare your defense for the courtroom.
Embezzlement Charges in Thousand Oaks
The court system in Thousand Oaks defines embezzlement as the act of:
- Taking money or property entrusted to you by someone else
- Fraudulently transferring said money or property to your possession
- Thereby depriving the owner of the money or property of its use
While this explanation may seem complex, embezzlement generally involves taking funds given into your care and misusing them. Individuals could commit embezzlement if they:
- Take money out of a family member’s savings account to use personally
- Remove funds from a cash register at their place of business
- Move money from a business account into their personal account
Embezzlement may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor or a felony, based on the amount of money embezzled. Misdemeanor charges are generally used for the embezzlement of under $950. Embezzlement of over $950 can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. However, even if it is charged as a misdemeanor, it will lead to a lengthier period of time in jail.
For a free legal consultation with a white collar crime lawyer serving Thousand Oaks, call (310) 896-2723
Penalties for Embezzlement in Thousand Oaks
If you are convicted of embezzlement in Thousand Oaks, you could face:
Misdemeanor Penalties
- Fines of up to $1,000
- Jail time of up to one year
Felony Penalties
- Fines of up to $10,000
- Jail time of up to three years
Make sure you’re ready to handle embezzlement charges by reaching out to a criminal defense lawyer in Thousand Oaks immediately after you are arrested.
Thousand Oaks White Collar Crime Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Fraud Charges in Thousand Oaks
Fraud involves the use of deceit or trickery to deprive someone else of money or other objects of value. The court can use a number of unique charges to prosecute fraud, based upon the victim of the fraudulent act. Some of the most common fraud charges in Thousand Oaks include:
- Auto insurance fraud
- Health care fraud
- Medi-Cal fraud
- Mortgage fraud
- Unemployment insurance fraud
- Workers’ compensation fraud
Businesses – including doctors’ offices and auto repair shops – can be charged with fraud in Thousand Oaks. Individuals can also face fraud charges in California.
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Penalties for Fraud in Thousand Oaks
Fraud can be punished very severely in the Thousand Oaks area. Most fraud charges can be prosecuted as either misdemeanors or felonies. Prosecutors may consider your prior criminal history and the facts of your current case when deciding how to handle fraud charges. The penalties for a conviction may include:
- Fines of up to $150,000
- Jail time of up to five years
You should be aware that some forms of fraud are prosecuted in the federal court system. These charges are generally far more serious. Make sure you speak to a federal crime lawyer today if you are accused of bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud, or wire fraud.
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Probation Violations in Thousand Oaks
You can also face white-collar crime charges in Thousand Oaks if you violate your probation. The court may sentence you to probation instead of a period of time behind bars in some situations. While you are on probation you must adhere to regulations set forth by the court.
Depending upon your situation, you could violate your probation by failing to:
- Meet with your probation officer
- Complete court-ordered programs
- File the proper documentation
These are only examples of probation violations. There are many other potential acts that could violate your probation in Thousand Oaks.
Penalties for a Probation Violation in Thousand Oaks
Violating your probation can lead to serious consequences. The court system can reassess your conviction and a judge could:
- Add additional regulations to your probation
- Add additional time to your probation
- Send you to jail or prison
- Force you to pay high fines
Fortunately, you can get help handling probation violation charges by contacting the Simmrin Law Group right now.
Reach Out to a Thousand Oaks White-Collar Crime Lawyer
Increase your chances of successfully resolving a white-collar crime accusation in Thousand Oaks by speaking with the Simmrin Law Group right now. You can contact us to get a FREE case evaluation from a white-collar crime lawyer in Thousand Oaks.
Start working on your defense by completing our online contact form or calling (310) 896-2723.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form