Getting charged with theft can feel like your world is coming to an end. Fortunately, you have legal options. Work with a Calabasas theft crimes lawyer, and they can help you dispute the charge against you.
Simmrin Law Group has decades of legal experience on our team. Our criminal defense lawyers serving Calabasas can assist you with your case. Schedule a consultation with our attorneys.
What Is a Theft Crime?
Theft happens when one party takes another’s property without consent. In California, there are many categories of theft crimes, with punishments varying based on severity. Reasons why you can be charged with a theft crime include:
Petty Theft
This refers to theft that involves property with a value of up to $950. Petty theft is classified as a misdemeanor. If convicted, you can be punished in accordance with California Penal Code Section 484(a) and 488.
If you are charged with burglary, someone claims you entered their premises without authorization. Burglary can involve breaking and entering, and you can be charged with it even if you do not use force. In terms of if you need a lawyer for a burglary charge, having an attorney at your side may help you avoid a conviction.
With robbery, you are accused of using force or fear to take another party’s property. Treated as a “serious felony,” this crime is punishable under California Penal Code Section 211. A Calabasas theft crimes attorney can help you figure out what to do next if you face a robbery charge.
Someone entrusts their assets to you and says you stole them. In this situation, you can be charged with embezzlement. Per embezzlement Penal Code 503 PC in California, you could be convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, with penalties including jail time and fines.
Grand Theft
If someone suspects you stole property with a value of more than $950, you can be charged with grand theft. Along with this, you can receive a grand theft charge if you are accused of stealing a vehicle or firearm. A theft crimes lawyer serving Calabasas can teach you about the California law classification of grand theft vs. robbery and other topics relating to your case.
The team at Simmrin Law Group understands these and other theft crime charges. Our lawyers commit time and resources to your case, ensuring you are well-positioned to contest a prosecutor’s argument. Request a consultation with our team.
For a free legal consultation with a theft crimes lawyer serving Calabasas, call (310) 896-2723
How to Defend Against Calabasas Theft Crimes Charges
A theft crimes attorney serving Calabasas asks you questions and learns about your charge. From here, your lawyer prepares an argument tailored to your case. They will consider many legal defenses, including:
No Intent to Steal
The prosecution must show you wanted to commit a crime in the first place. Alternatively, your lawyer can share evidence that proves you had no intent to steal. They may use witness statements and other documentation that help make it clear to the court that the charge against you should be dropped.
Mistaken Identity
Information provided by witnesses or surveillance footage led to your arrest in spite of the fact that you were not at the scene of a theft crime when it happened. Your attorney could present time-stamped records that show you were somewhere else at the time of the crime. This proof can lead to the dismissal of your case.
You Had Consent from a Property Owner
Someone authorizes you to access their property but then claims you stole it. If this occurs, a criminal defense attorney can help you out. They can provide documents that verify you had the owner’s consent, and, as such, accessing their property is not a criminal offense.
Police officers coerce you into committing a theft crime that you otherwise would have avoided. Your lawyer can argue that you are the victim of entrapment. In your argument, your attorney can explain how the authorities compelled you to engage in criminal activity.
Not Enough Evidence
The prosecution can argue that you deserve to be punished to the fullest extent of the law but lack sufficient proof to support their case. Ultimately, your lawyer can raise doubts about the validity of the prosecution’s argument. If the court has reasonable doubt about this argument, you could receive a favorable ruling.
Give a theft crime charge the attention it deserves. Consult with a lawyer, and they will advocate for you and build a legal strategy that meets your expectations. During your litigation, your attorney will address your legal concerns and questions and help you make informed decisions every step of the way.
Calabasas Theft Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Our Calabasas Theft Crimes Lawyers Know What Happens During the Legal Process
It is scary to think about what will happen if you are convicted of a theft crime. Worrying about the worst-case scenarios is unlikely to do you any favors. Instead, discuss your case with a lawyer, and they can start preparing your argument.
Simmrin Law Group is a proud member of the Greater Los Angeles community. Our lawyers understand how legal proceedings work and will assist you throughout your litigation. Speak with our attorneys.
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