A conviction for a violent crime in Escondido can impact the rest of your life. You could end up sentenced to a lengthy period of incarceration and left with high fines that can feel impossible to pay if you are convicted of assault, battery, or murder.
Make sure you are ready to address these charges head-on by contacting the Simmrin Law Group. You can work with our violent crimes lawyers in Escondido to get help constructing a strong defense. We can stand up for you in court, work to block evidence against you, and take steps to get your charges reduced or even dismissed.
Get Help with Assault Charges in Escondido
The court system in Escondido considers assault to be the act of:
- Willfully trying to use force against another person
- While knowing that force could harm the other person
Note that you do not actually have to harm someone to be charged with assault in Escondido. Intent matters with assault charges. You can be prosecuted just for attempting to touch someone in a way that is offensive or harmful. The court system uses several charges to prosecute acts of assault, including:
- Misdemeanor assault (simple assault)
- Assault with a firearm
- Assaulting with a deadly weapon
A weapons charge lawyer in Escondido can help you handle these charges right now. Let the team at the Simmrin Law Group assess your legal situation so we can begin building you a strong defense.
For a free legal consultation with a violent crimes lawyer serving Escondido, call (310) 896-2723
Focus on Battery Accusations in Escondido
You may face battery charges in Escondido if you are accused of:
- Willfully applying violence or force
- To another person
- Without lawful reason.
All contact that can be considered offensive or violent can be prosecuted as a battery in Escondido. However, you should be aware that you must actually make contact with another person to face a battery conviction, which sets battery charges apart from assault allegations.
As with assault charges, the court system uses several different charges to prosecute battery. Depending upon your situation, you could be charged with:
- Simple battery
- Battery causing serious bodily injury
- Battery on a peace or police officer
Escondido Violent Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Consider Escondido’s Charges for Domestic Violence
Acts of violence in Escondido may be considered domestic violence if they are committed against:
- A family member
- Someone living in your home
- A current or previous romantic partner.
Domestic violence is often prosecuted very harshly in the court system. Convictions for domestic violence can lead to fines and jail time. They may also remain on your record, making it more difficult for you to get custody of your children in the event of a divorce.
You should be aware that domestic violence is not covered by a single charge in Escondido. Instead, you could be charged with a number of different crimes, depending upon your situation. Examples of charges commonly used to prosecute domestic violence can include:
- Domestic battery
- Corporal injury on a spouse
- Child abuse / inflicting physical punishment on a child
Click to contact our Escondido Criminal Defense Lawyers today
Build a Defense for Murder Charges in Escondido
Murder is an incredibly serious crime in the state of California. Individuals may be charged with murder if they are accused of intentionally and willfully taking the life of another person. Note that murder charges should not apply if:
- You kill someone by accident
- You kill someone while protecting yourself or someone else
When your life is in danger, it is within your rights to take whatever action is necessary to protect yourself, including killing someone in self-defense.
The court system in Escondido can prosecute murder using two separate charges:
First-Degree Murder
The charge of first-degree murder is only used if someone premeditates a killing and then carries out their plan. You could be sentenced to the death penalty in California if you are convicted of first-degree murder.
Second-Degree Murder
The charge of second-degree murder is considered less severe than first-degree murder. Individuals who kill someone else in a moment of passion, without prior planning, could be convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.
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Get Professional Help with Violent Crime Charges
The results of a violent crime conviction can change the rest of your life. That’s why it’s important to get help from a criminal defense lawyer right away. The professionals at the Simmrin Law Group can work to show that you:
- Were falsely accused of a violent crime
- Injured someone else by accident
- Injured someone while participating in a dangerous activity, like a sporting event
- Injured someone else while acting in self-defense
Let us begin working on your defense right now.
Reach Out to an Escondido Violent Crimes Lawyer
Getting help handling the accusation of a violent crime in Escondido is easy. You can contact the Simmrin Law group’s violent crime lawyers in Escondido right now. Lawyers can provide you with a FREE case evaluation to discuss your legal options.
Contact us by calling (310) 896-2723 or filling out our online contact form.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form