You do not have to try to handle charges for crimes like rape, sexual battery, or lewd conduct on your own in Buena Park, California. Instead, you can contact the professional team at the Simmrin Law Group for assistance.
A sex crimes lawyer in Buena Park can focus on all your legal needs after an accusation. Our criminal defense team understands the defense strategies that can allow us to have your charges dismissed or reduced. We provide free consultations to answer your questions.
How Can a Buena Park Sex Crimes Attorney Help You?
A sex crimes lawyer can step in to assist with all aspects of your defense. Our team at the Simmrin Law Group puts our legal experience to work when we help clients accused of sex crimes.
You can count on us to:
Monitor Police Interactions
Police officers and prosecutors will likely question you after an arrest. Your lawyer stands up for you during these interviews, protecting your rights and offering advice. Lawyers also monitor the police investigation into your charges.
Help During Your Bail Hearing
You may have a bail hearing after an arrest for a sex crime in Buena Park. Our team represents you during this hearing, taking steps to secure a low bail payment that can help you stay out of jail until your criminal trial.
Handle Evidence for You
Our team collects evidence that can support your side of the story if you face a sex crimes accusation in Buena Park. We also take steps to dispute and block evidence presented by the prosecution and your accusor.
Negotiate a Plea Bargain
In many cases, prosecutors resolve sex crimes charges out of court by offering a plea bargain. These deals allow you to reduce the penalties you face if you agree to plead guilty to a less severe charge. However, these deals do not always represent your best choice.
Allow a Buena Park sex crimes attorney to review any plea bargain before accepting it. A lawyer may negotiate on your behalf to improve the deal.
Represent You in Court
Finally, some Buena Park sex crimes cases go to court. Your lawyer can represent you before a judge and jury, presenting all aspects of your case and standing up for your rights.
Remember that you have a constitutional right to legal representation under the Sixth Amendment. Exercise your rights today by letting our team help you.
For a free legal consultation with a sex crimes lawyer serving Buena Park, call (310) 896-2723
What Charges do Buena Park Sex Crime Attorneys Handle?
The court system in Buena Park uses many different charges to prosecute sex crimes. Examples of the charges you could face include:
- Rape or sexual battery
- Statutory rape
- Sexual misconduct
- Indecent exposure
- Lewd conduct
- Prostitution or soliciting a prostitute
The above list only contains examples of sex crime charges used in Buena Park. Reach out to a legal professional for personalized help handling the specific charge you face.
Buena Park Sex Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
How Can You Beat a Sex Crime Charge in Buena Park?
Sex crime charges can feel intimidating. However, under the Constitution, the court must consider you innocent until proven guilty, placing the burden of proof on the prosecutor.
You can protect your future by:
Waiting to Discuss Your Charges
The professionals recommend that you refrain from discussing any charges you face before speaking with a lawyer. For example, do not send text messages, discuss the case over the phone, or post about it on social media.
The prosecution could use everything you say or post about the charges against you.
Hiring a Buena Park Sex Crimes Lawyer
You do not have to try to handle sex crime charges on your own. Working with a lawyer ensures you have professional assistance from someone who understands the court systems and strategies that work to address these accusations.
Getting Help Right Away
Some people decide to wait until after the District Attorney files formal charges to seek professional help. However, contacting Buena Park sex crimes lawyers immediately after your arrest can help with your defense.
Click to contact our Buena Park Criminal Defense Lawyers today
What Happens After a Sex Crime Conviction in Buena Park?
The court system punishes sex crimes in Buena Park very harshly. While not all sex crime convictions have the same results, many of the most common consequences of a conviction include:
- Time in prison or jail
- Time spent on probation
- Fines and restitution payments
Many sex crime convictions require you to register as a sex offender in California. Entry onto the sex offender registry can make it harder to live in certain places or get specific jobs. However, failure to register as a sex offender represents a criminal action in Buena Park.
You may also have to attend mandatory counseling after a sex crimes conviction. Outside of these legal repercussions, your friends and family members may treat you differently after a sex crimes conviction.
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What Defenses Can Buena Park Sex Crimes Lawyers Use for You?
You only face penalties for a sex crime charge after a conviction. Your lawyer can build a defense to help you avoid a conviction, sometimes getting your charges reduced or even dismissed.
Some of the most common defenses to sex crime charges in Buena Park include showing that:
- The other party consented to the sex act
- The other party incorrectly identified you
- No sexual contact occurred
- The prosecution has insufficient evidence
In some cases, your lawyer may take steps to show you were in another location when the alleged crime took place. Find out more about defenses that could work with Buena Park sex crimes attorneys in your case.
Speak to Us About Your Buena Park Defense
You can begin working with a Buena Park sex crimes lawyer by contacting our team at the Simmrin Law Group. Allow us to support you throughout each step of your defense. Reach out to us online or by calling to get a FREE consultation.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form