Penal Code 30210 makes it illegal to possess bullets with an explosive agent in California. This legal code also prohibits the ownership of ammunition that contains a “flechette dart” (FD). Individuals charged under PC 30210 face either misdemeanor or felony charges in our state.
A conviction under PC 30210 can result in fines and time behind bars. You can get additional information about this charge from our team at the Simmrin Law Group. Our team can provide you with the legal answers you need.
Items Restricted Under PC 30210 in California
PC 30210 restricts the ownership of bullets that contain or carry an explosive agent.
This section of the legal code also prohibits the possession of flechette darts. The state of California defines flechette darts in Penal Code §16570. According to PC 16570, these items are darts that are around an inch long and capable of being shot from a firearm.
Both of these types of ammunition are illegal in the state of California.
PC 30210 and California’s Laws on Generally Prohibited Weapons
The state of California prohibits the ownership of certain weapons and forms of ammunition. Ammunition with explosive agents and flechette darts are both considered restricted weaponry. The state uses PC 30210 to prosecute the possession of these weapons. California has also banned these forms of ammunition under Penal Code 16590(b) and Penal Code 16590(e).
PC 16590 lists out many other “generally prohibited weapons” in the state of California. The possession of any of these weapons can lead to serious legal consequences for people in our state. Find out more about these offenses with a weapons charges lawyer in Los Angeles.
Specific Information About PC 30210
PC 30210 deals with the possession of bullets with an explosive agent or flechette darts. Individuals in California face charges if they have either actual or constructive possession of these forms of ammunition.
Actual possession means that a person has the ammunition on their person or at hand. Constructive possession means someone has control over the ammunition. Keeping ammunition in your basement would represent a kind of constructive possession in Los Angeles.
Individuals can also face PC 302100 charges if they:
- Create or manufacture these restricted forms of ammunition
- Import restricted ammunition into California
- Sell or give away flechette darts or bullets with an explosive agent
The Simmrin Law Group can step in to help if you are facing PC 30210 charges in the state of California. We’ll assist you if you are accused of making, selling, or possessing bullets with an explosive agent.
Results of a PC 30210 Conviction in California
The court classifies PC 30210 as a “wobbler.” Wobblers are sometimes treated as misdemeanors and sometimes treated as felonies. The prosecution makes the decision about how to handle wobblers. When making this decision, the prosecutor will review information about the current case, as well as the accused’s past criminal record.
Individuals convicted of a misdemeanor PC 30210 violation can end up facing:
- Fines of up to $1,000
- Incarceration of up to one year
- Summary probation
Felonies are more serious in the state of California. A felony conviction for possession of bullets with an explosive agent can lead to:
- Fines of up to $10,000
- Incarceration of up to three years
- Formal probation
Note that the court may offer some individuals probation after a PC 30210 conviction here in California. While on probation, individuals do not have to stay in jail. They are allowed to go about their day-to-day lives as long as they obey all regulations handed down by the court system.
Charges Similar to PC 30210 in Los Angeles
There are many different kinds of restricted weapons in the state of California. Individuals who use these weapons can end up facing serious criminal charges. The court system uses different charges to prosecute the use of different weapons. Some examples of these charges include:
- Possession of destructive devices
- Possession of wallet guns
- Possession of assault weapons
Additionally, PC 30210 charges are only used if someone makes, imports, sells, possesses, or gives away bullets with explosive agents or flechette darts. Individuals face different charges if they use restricted ammunition to harm someone else.
Harming someone else with this ammunition could lead to battery or even murder charges in California. Speak to a violent crimes lawyer in Los Angeles about these charges today.
PC 30210 Accusations and Legal Defenses in California
Individuals in your position do not have to simply accept a PC 30210 conviction. A Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer can construct a defense if you are accused of possessing bullets with an explosive agent or flechette darts. Some of these defenses include showing that:
- You did not possess restricted ammunition
- You are exempt from PC 30210 regulations
- You faced an illegal search by police officers
You did Not Possess Restricted Ammunition
PC 30210 charges should only apply if you possessed flechette darts or bullets with an explosive agent. This means that if you have normal ammunition, you should not be subject to a PC 30210 conviction here in California.
Additionally, you could avoid a conviction if a lawyer shows that you possessed a dart that does not meet the definition of a flechette dart.
You Are Exempt From PC 30210 Regulations
Some people in California are allowed to handle bullets with an explosive agent or flechette darts. These individuals often work in law enforcement. Antique dealers are also permitted to possess this kind of ammunition in some cases. Inform your lawyer if you believe you are exempted from PC 30210 regulations.
You Faced an Illegal Search by Police Officers
Police officers have a responsibility to respect your rights, even if they believe you have restricted ammunition. If you were searched without reasonable cause or a warrant, a lawyer could step in to help you. Find out more by contacting us.
Can a Penal Code 30210 Conviction Be Expunged?
It may be possible to have your conviction expunged from your record. However, before this can happen, you must complete any jail, prison, or probation sentence. Once you have served your time, you can petition the court to have the offense stricken from your record.
Having a criminal conviction expunged can make life much easier going forward. Those with convictions on their records often find it difficult to secure gainful employment or decent housing. A criminal defense lawyer can help in your attempt to get a charge expunged.
Will a Conviction of PC 30210 Affect Gun Rights?
Those convicted of a misdemeanor charge under PC 30210 will not have their gun rights restricted. However, if they use one of these bullets in the act of committing a violent crime, they will likely be looking at much more severe penalties, as well as having their gun rights revoked.
If PC 30210 is charged as a felony, a conviction would mean the revocation of your gun rights. California does not allow convicted felons to possess firearms. There is no time limit for this restriction. Felons face a lifetime ban on gun ownership in the state.
Ask a Lawyer About Bullets With an Explosive Agent
Build a defense if you were accused of a Penal Code 30210 violation in California. Work with the Simmrin Law Group to handle charges involving bullets with an explosive agent or flechette darts. We’ll begin working on your case if you call or fill out our online contact form.
Learn more with a free consultation. A member of our team will review your case and answer any questions you may have. We will present you with your options going forward and advise you on the pros and cons of each. Should you choose to retain our services, we will get to work immediately building your defense. Don’t hesitate to get started today.