All charges for driving under the influence (DUI) can be harshly prosecuted in California, including those tied to the use of marijuana. A conviction for a marijuana DUI can result in fines, jail time, and restrictions on your driver’s license.
So, how can you get out of a marijuana DUI in California? Focus on your legal options for driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) charges with the Simmrin Law Group. Call (310) 896-2723 to get personalized help if you’re accused of a marijuana DUI.
Defining a Marijuana DUI in California
Before we consider the best ways to handle a marijuana DUI charge in a California court, let’s go over some specific facts about DUIDs in the state. Drivers may be charged with a DUID if they:
- Operate a vehicle while impaired by
- Illicit chemical substances OR
- Some prescription medications
Technically, the usage of marijuana has been largely decriminalized throughout California. However, marijuana can make it harder for a driver to operate their vehicle in a safe, reasonable way. For this reason, drivers who use marijuana and get behind the wheel can be charged with a DUI.
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Methods to Handle Marijuana DUIs in California
Now that we’ve reviewed the basic definition of a marijuana DUI in California, we can review some steps you can take to resolve DUID charges. Depending upon your situation, a criminal defense lawyer may work to show that:
- You didn’t use marijuana before operating a vehicle
- You used marijuana, but you were not high or impaired
- You were stopped unlawfully
The best defense for your case will depend upon your unique legal situation. You can get personalized advice about getting out of a marijuana DUI by contacting us today at (310) 896-2723.
Showing You Did Not Use Marijuana Before Driving
Demonstrating that you were not driving after using marijuana can help you get out of a DUID charge in California. You may be asked to complete a chemical test if a law enforcement officer believes you are driving under the influence of marijuana. However, even if this test indicated that you used marijuana, the results could be disputed.
Sometimes, chemical tests for marijuana usage return inaccurate positive results. This may happen if:
- The officer does not perform the test properly
- The equipment is not properly maintained
- The lab techs do not handle the test according to procedure
Additionally, you should know that some legitimate medications can lead to false-positive results for marijuana usage. If you did not use marijuana at all before getting behind the wheel, you should contact a DUI lawyer now to review your legal options.
Showing That You Were Not Impaired by Marijuana When Driving
Your body does not process marijuana in the same way that it processes alcohol. While alcohol is generally absorbed and removed at a steady rate, traces of marijuana can remain in your body for a long time, far past the time when its effects have worn off. This means that, in many cases, the tests used to check for marijuana use do not:
- Show how much marijuana you used
- Show when you used marijuana
You could operate a vehicle long after you are no longer impacted by marijuana and still face charges. However, your lawyer could work to demonstrate that you were operating your vehicle in the same way a sober, reasonable person would.
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Showing That You Were Stopped Without Reasonable Cause
Law enforcement officers in California are not allowed to stop drivers without reasonable cause. If you were stopped by an officer even though you were not driving in a way that was erratic or dangerous, for example, your charges could be dismissed.
Note that it can be difficult to prove that you were stopped without reasonable cause if you do not have professional help. Work with a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles today to get help building a defense to handle your specific charges.
The team at the Simmrin Law Group can assist you in getting out of a marijuana DUI in California. Allow us to assess your needs right now.
Reach Out to a Lawyer to Get Out of a Marijuana DUI
You may be able to get out of a marijuana DUI in California if you work with a team of legal professionals. The Simmrin Law Group can build a defense for DUID charges right now. Allow our DUI lawyers in Los Angeles to review your legal options today, starting with a FREE initial case evaluation.
Take steps to handle a marijuana DUI in California by completing our online contact form or calling (310) 896-2723.
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