Burn injuries in California can be very severe. It’s important that you treat any burn seriously. You can find out how to treat burn injuries with this article. Some burns can be safely treated at home, while others require medical care.
The Simmrin Law Group can also help you if you were burned due to someone else’s negligence. You can contact our burn injury lawyers in Los Angeles after you receive treatment for your burns. Take steps to get compensation for your injuries by calling us.
Treatment Depends on the Type of Burn You Have
Treatment for burn injuries will depend upon the type of burn you are dealing with. There are three major categories of burn injuries. They include:
First-Degree BurnsFirst-degree burns are relatively minor. They affect only the surface layer of your skin. Generally, a first-degree burn can be treated at home. If you only face some reddening and pain after a burn, it is probably a first-degree burn.
Second-Degree BurnsSecond-degree burns are more serious and require medical attention. Second-degree burns affect multiple layers of the skin. Seek medical attention if you experience blistering, swelling, pain, and redness from a burn.
Third-Degree Burns
Third-degree burns are the most serious burns you can experience. They affect tissue below the skin. You may experience numbness with a third-degree burn. You need to get professional medical care right away if you have a third-degree burn.
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Treatment for a First-Degree Burn in California
As we mentioned, you may be able to treat a minor burn at your home. If you decide to pursue home-treatment, the Mayo Clinic recommends that you follow these steps. Make sure that you:
- Bring down the temperature of the burned area
- Take off tight items – like rings – as the area may swell
- Leave blisters alone and don’t pop them
- Apply lotion after the burn cools, aloe vera is a good choice
- Loosely bandage the burn using sterile bandages
You should not be afraid to take a pain reliever if you experienced a burn injury. Many over-the-counter medications can help with the pain. Some, like ibuprofen, may also help reduce swelling associated with a burn injury.
Sometimes, it can be a good idea to get a tetanus shot after a burn injury. If your tetanus booster is up to date, you do not need to take this step as part of your burn treatment.
Treatment for Severe Burns in California
You should seek medical care if you experience a second- or third-degree burn in California. Getting medical care quickly can reduce the odds that you will experience scarring or nerve damage as a result of the burn. Medical professionals can:
- Set up an I.V. so you don’t become dehydrated
- Use specialized ointments to prevent infection
- Clean wounded areas properly
- Provide you with medication to stop an infection
Sometimes, surgeries are required for severe burn injuries. You may need skin grafts, for example, if you experienced a major burn. Medical professionals in California can help you get back on your feet after you experience a serious burn.
Getting Help if Someone Else Caused Your Burn Injury
In many cases, burn injuries are the result of an accident around the house. Many people burn themselves while cooking, for example. However, this is not always the case. You could experience a burn injury if someone else acted in a reckless or dangerous way.
If your burn injury was caused by someone else, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries. In this situation, it’s a good idea to reach out to a burn injury lawyers in Los Angeles right away to get help. The team at the Simmrin Law Group can work to show that:
- Someone else caused an accident
- The accident resulted in your burns
- Your burns required medical treatment
Our personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles can help you get full compensation for your medical expenses. We may also be able to bring you damages for your lost wages at work, pain, suffering, and mental anguish. We’re ready to begin working on a claim for you right now.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now
Get More Information About Treating Burn Injuries
You may need to seek medical care to treat burn injuries in Los Angeles. In some cases, you can treat your injuries at home. You can also get professional help getting compensation for any medical treatment you needed. Just contact the Simmrin Law Group to get a FREE initial case evaluation after your accident.
Call or fill out our online contact form to speak to our burn injury lawyers in Los Angeles.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form