Accusations of driving under the influence (DUI) can lead to a serious legal battle that should be addressed immediately with the help of an Irvine DUI lawyer at the Simmrin Law Group. The consequences of a DUI conviction can include the following:
- Jail time
- High fines
- Driver’s license suspension
Fighting back against a DUI accusation requires a solid understanding of the legal system in California. The Simmrin Law Group has years of experience helping clients in your shoes. Our DUI lawyers in Irvine can take on your case to ensure you have a solid defense before it’s too late.
Blood Alcohol Content and DUIs in Irvine
The state uses your blood alcohol content (BAC) to determine whether or not you should be charged with a DUI. According to the legal codes in California, you are only legally allowed to operate a motor vehicle if your BAC is below the following:
- .08% for Non-Commercial Drivers over 21
- .04% for Commercial Drivers over 21
- .01% for Drivers under 21
Your BAC can be measured through chemical tests, including the breathalyzer. A police officer may attempt to administer these tests if you are pulled over or involved in a motor vehicle accident. You are legally allowed to decline a BAC test in some circumstances.
However, you MUST complete any test if you are:
- Legally Arrested
- Under 21
- On DUI Probation
Failure to complete a legally required test can lead to the suspension of your license and other penalties. Do not let these penalties impact your life. Speak to a DUI lawyer in Irvine, CA, from the Simmrin Law Group about the charges as soon as possible.
For a free legal consultation with a dui accident lawyer serving Irvine, call (310) 896-2723
Punishments for DUI Convictions in Irvine
The court system in Irvine punishes DUIs very harshly. Each new offense will result in steeper penalties that can quickly become overwhelming. A criminal defense lawyer in Irvine can build your defense, so you are not subjected to:
DUI fines:
- 1st Offense: Up to $2,000
- 2nd Offense: Up to $2,500
- 3rd Offense: Up to $3,000
DUI jail time:
- 1st Offense: Up to 6 Months
- 2nd Offense: Up to 1 Year
- 3rd Offense: Up to 1 Year
DUI license suspension:
- 1st Offense: Up to 1 Year
- 2nd Offense: Up to 2 Years
- 3rd Offense: Up to 3 Years
You can also be forced to complete an alcohol treatment program for each DUI conviction. The sooner you get professional help, the better your odds of winning your case. Call a DUI attorney in Irvine, CA, today to schedule an appointment with a member of our DUI defense team.
Other Ways Your Life Will Be Affected by a DUI Conviction
In addition to the criminal penalties you will face if you are convicted of a DUI in Irvine, there are also other ways you can expect your life to be affected. These are commonly known as collateral consequences.
For example, many people convicted of DUIs find their professional licenses in jeopardy. For some professions, drunk driving and other related offenses are severe enough to warrant the suspension or revocation of your license.
If your professional license is suspended or revoked, you may no longer be able to continue working. This could have devastating implications for your career and earning a living.
Additionally, a do you why will likely result in installing an ignition interlock device (IID). Not only will you be required to cover the costs of installing the IID, but you will only be able to operate your vehicle once you blow into the IID at a safe blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of less than.08 %.
Irvine DUI Accident Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Potential Defenses Against DUI Charges in Irvine
There are multiple ways to approach your Irvine DUI defense. In some cases, entering a pretrial diversion program is ideal. By following the program’s requirements, the prosecutor will reduce or dismiss the DUI charges against you.
However, these programs are typically only available to those accused of nonviolent crimes and first-time offenders. If you do not qualify, consider which defenses will most likely produce a favorable outcome. Potential defenses against DUI charges in Irvine could include:
- Unlawful search and seizure
- Unlawful stop
- Lack of sufficient evidence
- Improper handling of evidence
- Laboratory mistakes
- Medical conditions
Click to contact our Irvine Criminal Defense Lawyers today
Your Irvine DUI Attorney Can Help with Other Traffic Violations
DUIs are some of the most severe charges you could face while operating a motor vehicle, but they are not alone. You can also be charged for minor traffic infractions, such as:
- Speeding
- Running Stop Signs
- Changing Lanes Illegally
You may be given a ticket for a traffic infraction. Police officers and red-light cameras are legally allowed to issue tickets in Irvine. Traffic infractions generally result in small fines.
You will also have 1 point added to your license if you commit traffic infractions. Note that your license can be suspended if you accrue too many points on your license in a given amount of time. This means that you could lose your license for nothing more than simple traffic infractions.
Please speak with a DUI lawyer near me in Irvine, CA, about your case so you can fight the charges. A DUI lawyer can take on your case if you risk losing your license. We can stand up for you in any traffic case so you can get on with your life.
Criminal Traffic Violations in Irvine
More serious traffic violations may be treated as misdemeanors or felonies. For example, you could be charged with reckless driving for endangering the safety of others while operating a motor vehicle. Other examples of criminal traffic violations include:
- Driving on a suspended license
- Driving on a revoked license
- Vehicular manslaughter
You can also face criminal charges for involvement with a hit-and-run in Irvine. Criminal traffic violations lead to higher fines, time in jail or prison, and additional 2 points to your license.
A professional DUI lawyer can improve your odds of beating a severe traffic violation charge. Make sure you have a skilled legal team on your side to build your defense.
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Get the Defense You Deserve with a DUI Attorney in Irvine
At the Simmrin Law Group, all of our clients deserve a fierce defense. We are committed to building your case, whether you have been accused of a DUI or another traffic violation. Let us start working on your defense today by calling or completing our online contact form.
Start working to protect your future right now with a free consultation. There is no worse situation to be in when facing a DUI charge. Please speak with our DUI lawyers in Irvine, CA, so you do not have to worry about representing yourself.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form