Theft crimes in Orange County have far-flung effects. If an Orange County resident is convicted of theft, this individual faces a jail sentence. The conviction can also impact this resident’s ability to land their dream job and have other long-term consequences.
At Simmrin Law Group, we provide comprehensive insights into Orange County theft crimes and their impact. We can connect you with an experienced Orange County theft crimes lawyer. From here, we can teach you about theft crimes and help you avoid penalties associated with them.
Theft Is a Common Criminal Charge in Orange County
In California, theft is classified as any act in which a person steals property or services. California lawmakers classify the level of a theft offense based on the property a person takes. If an individual steals services, current market conditions are examined to determine a fair and reasonable punishment based on the services’ value.
There are several types of theft crimes in Orange County. These include:
Petty Theft
A person can be charged with petty theft if this individual steals property or services worth less than $950. In this scenario, a person can receive up to $1,000 in fines or six months in jail. If a person is a first-time offender, this individual may have the option to enter a diversion program in lieu of a criminal conviction.
Grand Theft
Grand theft involves stealing property or services worth more than $950. The crime is punishable under California’s “three strikes” system. It has penalties that range from up to three years in a state prison and a $5,000 fine for a first offense to a maximum prison sentence of 25 years if a person gets “three strikes.”
A person can be convicted of shoplifting if found guilty of stealing goods from a store. In this instance, a person can receive a felony conviction. This is the case, even if a person steals goods from a store that are worth less than $950.
If a person is accused of a theft charge in Orange County, seek legal help immediately. A theft crimes lawyer in Orange County knows the ins and outs of California’s legal system. The attorney can help a defendant identify the best way to contest a theft crime charge.
For a free legal consultation with a theft crimes lawyer serving Orange County, call (310) 896-2723
How an Orange County Theft Crimes Attorney Disputes a Charge
There is no surefire solution to contest a theft crime charge in Orange County. As such, a theft crimes attorney in Orange County may consider many legal defense options, such as:
Lack of Intent
A prosecutor must show that a defendant intentionally committed a theft crime. Meanwhile, an Orange County theft crimes lawyer can ask questions and raise doubts about any evidence or witness testimony regarding the defendant’s intent. This can present problems for a prosecutor and lead to a not-guilty verdict for a defendant.
Right of Possession
A defendant may have a right to possess goods that a prosecutor claims were stolen. Therefore, an Orange County theft crimes attorney can highlight how a defendant has the right to possession of these goods. The lawyer can present an argument that indicates the defendant is legally entitled to the goods that were allegedly stolen, which can lead to a case’s dismissal.
There can be times when a defendant had consent to take property that was allegedly stolen. At these times, an Orange County theft crimes lawyer can show evidence that proves the defendant had consent. Evidence can include any signed documents or witness testimony to verify the consent.
False Allegation
An individual can falsely accuse a defendant of a theft crime for malicious reasons. For example, a person can accuse their former spouse of theft to try to get this individual into legal trouble. The defendant in this case must present evidence and witness testimony to show that this individual did not commit the crime.
Select an Orange County theft crimes attorney who is committed to a defendant’s success. The lawyer communicates openly and honestly with their client. This attorney offers legal insights and ensures the defendant pursues all options to resolve a case, including plea bargains.
Orange County Theft Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
How a Plea Bargain Works in an Orange County Theft Crime Case
A plea bargain can be presented at any time leading up to trial in an Orange County theft crime case. If a plea bargain is accepted, a defendant and prosecutor do not need to go to court. Rather, both parties approve an agreement that aligns with their respective needs.
It may be beneficial for a defendant to pursue a plea bargain in an Orange County theft crime case. To determine if a plea bargain is in a defendant’s best interest, consult with a theft crimes attorney in Orange County. Next, the lawyer can help a defendant decide whether to present a plea bargain.
An Orange County theft crimes lawyer crafts a plea bargain in accordance with their client’s expectations. At the same time, the attorney accounts for the prosecution. This allows the attorney to put together a plea bargain that may receive instant approval from all involved.
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What to Expect After a Plea Bargain Is Presented in an Orange County Theft Crime Case
It can take days or weeks before a prosecutor makes a decision on a plea bargain. The prosecutor may consider the strength of their case against a defendant and other factors. Once the prosecutor decides to proceed, the defendant is notified accordingly.
If a prosecutor is satisfied with a plea bargain, the agreement is approved. Conversely, if a prosecutor declines a plea bargain, a defendant can continue to negotiate. The defendant’s attorney can present multiple plea bargain proposals as the litigation moves forward.
Regardless of whether a plea bargain is approved, an Orange County theft crimes lawyer is dedicated to their client. The attorney helps the defendant get the best result out of their theft crime case. This lawyer works in lockstep with the defendant at each stage of the legal process, too.
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Meet with an Orange County Theft Crimes Lawyer
Simmrin Law Group offers legal assistance to those involved in theft crime cases in Orange County. Our theft crimes lawyer in Orange County is available to learn about your case and help you defend against any criminal charges. For more information or to request a free case evaluation, please get in touch with us today.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form