Driving under the influence (DUI) can be considered a serious criminal offense in the state of California. In some cases, you may be offered a plea bargain after a DUI arrest. “Wet” reckless charges are sometimes included as part of this plea bargain.
Before you accept any plea bargain, it is important that you compare DUI and wet reckless charges. You can review these charges right here with the professionals at the Simmrin Law Group.
DUI vs. Wet Reckless: Definition
A DUI is a criminal act in the state of California. There are many different charges used to prosecute DUIs. These charges may be treated as misdemeanors or felonies. You may be charged with a DUI after being arrested by a law enforcement officer.
Wet reckless charges, on the other hand, are not stand-alone charges. In fact, wet reckless is specifically a charge reduction that you will only be offered if you are first charged with a DUI. No one in California is pulled over and charged with a wet reckless.
Comparing Wet Reckless and Dry Reckless Charges
Wet reckless charges are associated with reckless driving in California. Wet reckless charges are unique because they will add a note to your criminal record stating that your offense involved alcohol. Wet reckless charges are also priorable, meaning they will count against you if you are arrested for another DUI in the future.
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DUI vs. Wet Reckless: Penalties
A conviction for a DUI can have serious impacts on your life. A first-time DUI conviction can lead to:
- Fines of up to $2,000
- Jail time of up to six months
- License suspension of up to one year
- Alcohol education program of at least three months
As you can see, DUIs are treated in a very harsh way by the court system in California. If you accept a wet reckless plea bargain, you can face reduced penalties, including:
- Fines of up to $1,000
- Jail time of up to 90 days
- No mandatory license suspension from the court
- Alcohol education program of up to six weeks
DUI vs. Wet Reckless: Additional Considerations
DUI and wet reckless charges have a lot in common. Both of these charges are considered priorable offenses. They will remain on your record for 10 years. Any additional DUI charges you face will be treated more severely.
Additionally, both DUIs and wet reckless plea bargains can:
- Increase your insurance premiums
- Lead to the cancellation of your car insurance
- Result in a hearing with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
- Add at least two points to your driver’s license
As you can see, a wet reckless plea bargain does not remove all the consequences of a DUI arrest. Make sure you fully understand the repercussions of a wet reckless deal before you accept it by discussing your case with a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles.
DUI vs. Wet Reckless: The Department of Motor Vehicles
You should be aware that all DUI arrests can lead to a license suspension from the DMV. You must request a hearing with the DMV within 10 days of your arrest to prevent the automatic suspension of your driver’s license.
If you do not request this hearing, the DMV can suspend your license 30 days after your arrest. Note that you must request a DMV hearing even if you accept a wet reckless plea bargain from the prosecution.
The DMV may choose to suspend your driver’s license even if you take a plea bargain. Make sure you get help handling this hearing by working with a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles right now.
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DUI vs. Wet Reckless: Getting Legal Help
A criminal defense lawyer can help you take on DUI charges in the state of California. A legal professional can also assess any plea bargains you are offered by the prosecution, including wet reckless deals.
Your DUI lawyer can work to investigate your case, gathering leverage to bargain for a better deal for you. In some cases, your lawyer could get your charges reduced beyond a wet reckless accusation. Your charges could even be dismissed in some cases.
Additionally, a legal team might advise you to fight your DUI charges in court. Securing a not-guilty verdict will allow you to move forward with your life without facing fines, jail time, or a driver’s license suspension.
Get Help with DUI or Wet Reckless Charges
The Simmrin Law Group can build your defense if you are accused of a DUI in California. Allow our DUI lawyers in Los Angeles to start working on your case now. We can help you go over the differences between DUI and wet reckless charges, just complete our online contact form or call (310) 896-2723.
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