Driving under the influence (DUI) is one of the most serious traffic offenses in Fullerton, CA. Individuals accused of a DUI after a routine traffic stop or motor vehicle collision could face serious consequences if convicted. The penalties for DUIs can include jail time, fines, and the suspension of your driver’s license.
It is vitally important that you get legal help right away if you face DUI charges. Not only can your attorney help you develop a defense, but you can also lose your license if you do not set up a meeting with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within 10 days of a DUI accusation.
Attempting to handle a DMV hearing on your own can end in disaster. You will likely also have to face a criminal hearing if accused of a DUI. Simmrin Law Group can help you deal with criminal charges and your meeting with the DMV. Our DUI lawyers in Fullerton have the experience and skill to increase your odds of winning any DUI case.
Penalties for DUI Convictions in Fullerton
The court system in California harshly penalizes DUIs. As already mentioned, you can have your license suspended for a first-time DUI arrest regardless of a conviction. Additional penalties come as a part of the sentence a judge issues following a guilty plea or trial.
You may also face these penalties after a DUI conviction:
- Jail time: Up to six months
- Fines: Up to $2,000
Individuals convicted of subsequent DUIs will face stiffer punishments, including:
2nd DUI Conviction
- Jail Time: Up to one year
- Fines: Up to $2,500
- License Suspension: Up to two years
3rd DUI Conviction
- Jail time: Up to one year
- Fines: Up to $3,000
- License Suspension: Up to three years
An experienced criminal defense lawyer can defend you against a DUI charge effectively. You have a higher chance of winning your case if you contact a lawyer that has experience winning cases for clients in similar situations. Our Fullerton DUI lawyers understand that everyone makes mistakes. We want to help you move forward with your life beginning today.
For a free legal consultation with a dui accident lawyer serving Fullerton, call (310) 896-2723
Driving Under the Influence and Blood Alcohol Content
You may face DUI charges if a police officer finds your blood alcohol content (BAC) is above legal limits. California allows drivers over age 21 to operate a vehicle only with a BAC of under .08%. Commercial drivers must maintain a BAC of less than .04%, and minors (under age 21) must keep a BAC of less than .01%.
Police officers often use breathalyzers to measure BAC. They may also ask you to perform field sobriety tests or a roadside preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) breath test. You may be able to refuse these tests if you are over the age of 21, not on DUI probation, and not arrested. In all other cases, you must perform these tests to avoid further legal charges.
Once a police officer arrests you, you must submit a breath, urine, or blood sample for chemical testing. Refusing to do so will result in a suspension of your driver’s license and additional penalties if the court convicts you of a DUI.
Fullerton DUI Accident Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
DUI Drugs Convictions Also Call for Serious Penalties
DUI does not always involve alcohol use. DUI drug charges are also fairly common in Orange County. Driving under the influence of any drug that impairs judgment or reaction time could lead to a DUI drug arrest and conviction. The most common example is marijuana, but many others also occur.
Many people in Fullerton enjoy using recreational marijuana legally. California law allows individuals to possess and cultivate limited amounts of cannabis for personal use as long as they are over the age of 21. However, just like with alcohol, restrictions prevent driving after use.
If law enforcement stops you and officers have a reason to believe you have marijuana or another drug in your system, they may ask to test your breath at the roadside or arrest you and demand a breath or blood sample. The process and penalties for a DUI drug are similar to drunk driving cases.
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You Can Face Other Traffic Violation Charges
DUIs are only one of the actions that can cause you serious legal trouble in Fullerton. Many other driving-related offenses could lead to a citation or arrest. You might also face penalties for:
Traffic Infractions
Traffic infractions are minor violations that the courts do not charge as a criminal offense. Police officers often give tickets for traffic infractions such as speeding or running a stop sign. You can also receive a ticket from any of the red-light cameras around Fullerton. Typically, you will face fines if you are guilty of a traffic infraction. You can enter a guilty plea and pay the fine or argue the case in traffic court.
Misdemeanor or Felony Traffic Violations
Some traffic violations are more serious than others. Criminal traffic violations can lead to incarceration and high fines. There are many common examples of traffic violations that prosecutors can charge as a misdemeanor or a felony, including reckless driving and driving on a suspended license.
The penalties for traffic violations also include points added to your license. You will receive one point for traffic infractions and two points for criminal traffic violations. Your license could face suspension if you accrue:
- 4 points in 12 months
- 6 points in 24 months
- 8 points in 36 months
Note that this point system applies only to drivers over the age of 18. Minors may have their license suspended far sooner, often if they get three points in 12 months.
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Our Lawyers Develop Effective Defense Strategies for Fullerton Criminal Traffic Violations
The primary benefit to having an attorney on your side during your DUI case is that we do this all the time. We understand what to expect, how to navigate the process, and what evidence is necessary to win your case. We know:
- How to challenge breath or blood test results
- How to determine if the arresting officer handled the stop properly
- How to ensure police upheld your rights
We also know the most effective approaches to getting a positive outcome in a DUI case, although this varies based on the circumstances. Depending on the situation, facts of the case, and timing, we may be able to:
- Represent you in your DMV hearing and fight for your license
- Present evidence to stop prosecutors from charging you
- Get a reduced charge with lesser penalties
- Negotiate a reduced sentence
- Present a strong case in court to clear your name
Our Fullerton DUI Lawyers Are Ready to Help You
You are more likely to win any traffic violation case if you have help from an experienced DUI lawyer in Fullerton. Simmrin Law Group offers legal advice to any individual facing DUI charges. We can take on your case today so that you’re ready to protect your future. You can call us or complete our online contact form to start getting the help you need.
Contact us for a FREE consultation about your situation.
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