Being accused of a drug crime is just as scary as being accused of a violent crime. Even though it is a nonviolent crime, the penalties are just as harsh as penalties for violent crimes. When you have been accused of a drug crime, you may face several years of prison time, excessive fines, and a scar on your permanent record.
To avoid these terrible penalties, speak with a Lynwood drug crimes lawyer from the Simmrin Law Group. Find out how a lawyer can help with your drug charges.
Types of Drug Crimes
A drug crime can still be classified as a felony without violent elements. Some of the most common drug crimes our drug crimes lawyers handle include possession, trafficking, paraphernalia, and others.
One of the most common drug crimes is possession. You may be charged with possession if you have illegal substances in your control. You may be charged with this crime if an illegal substance is found in your possession. It doesn’t matter whether the drugs belong to you or not.
Possession is what is known as a wobbler offense. It can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony based on different factors. One of the factors is the amount of drugs that are in your possession. If the amount exceeds a certain weight, your charge could be classified as a felony.
Trafficking is a crime where you deliberately sell illegal substances. Just like possession, trafficking can be considered a felony based on the amount of drugs involved. You may also be charged with trafficking if you transported or prescribed illegal substances.
You may be charged with drug paraphernalia if you possess the tools and equipment associated with illegal substances. It’s illegal to own drug paraphernalia and sell or export them. Some examples of drug paraphernalia are bongs, scales, syringes, rolling papers, and pipes.
Manufacturing is a crime where someone participates in manufacturing an illegal substance. You may also be charged with drug manufacturing if you have delivered any illegal substances.
For a free legal consultation with a drug crimes lawyer serving Lynwood, call (310) 896-2723
Aggravating Factors
The main reason why drug crimes result in harsh penalties is because of other aggravating factors. Aggravating factors are additional factors of a crime that the prosecution will consider. These factors often upgrade the crimes to felonies, which contain the most severe penalties.
Some aggravating factors that affect drug crimes include:
- The amount of drugs found in your possession
- The type of drugs found in your possession
- The intent of your possession
- Your past criminal history
- The location of your crime
When the prosecutor considers these factors, you’re guaranteed to fight against a felony drug charge.
Lynwood Drug Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Why You Should Consult a Drug Crimes Lawyer in Lynwood, CA
You don’t want to be convicted of a felony drug charge. Even being convicted of a misdemeanor drug charge can result in several years in prison. You don’t want to suffer the long-term consequences of a drug conviction.
This conviction will remain on your permanent record and affect the rest of your life. You’ll have issues finding work, applying for housing, and applying for financial opportunities. To prevent a drug conviction from ruining the rest of your life, you should seek the assistance of a drug crimes lawyer in Lynwood, CA.
Drug crime lawyers can help you navigate the complex legal process. Instead of navigating this process alone, you have someone with legal expertise who can guide you to a successful outcome.
Being a Personal Representative
Your drug crimes attorney can serve as your legal representative. You need someone familiar with the legal system, the judge, the prosecutor, and who knows how to negotiate. The last thing you want to do is go up against the prosecution yourself.
A drug crimes attorney in Lynwood can aggressively defend you against whatever charges you’re facing. If the prosecutor is trying to coerce you into accepting a bad plea bargain, your attorney can negotiate for a better deal.
Providing the Strongest Defenses
Your drug crimes lawyer can also make the best arguments for why your charges must be reduced or dismissed. There are several defenses that your Lynwood drug crimes attorney can use to cast doubt on whether you are guilty of your crimes. Some of those defenses are intent, duress, unlawful seizure, and medical exceptions.
Intent is an important factor in many drug crimes. This defense may be effective if it’s proven that you were unaware that the drugs were in your possession.
Duress is a defense that argues that a defendant committed a crime under unique circumstances. This defense might be effective if you committed a drug crime under the threat of harm.
Unlawful Seizures
The Fourth Amendment protects you and other citizens from unlawful searches and seizures. If a police officer searched illegally and found drugs in your possession, that evidence would be inadmissible.
Medical Exceptions
Some states allow patients with medical marijuana cards to purchase marijuana. To prove this, you will need to have a note from your physician.
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Finding Cracks in the Chain of Custody
Your drug crimes lawyer can also poke holes in the prosecution’s evidence. Criminal evidence goes through what is known as a chain of custody. Several parties examine the evidence and store it for an offender’s trial.
The way that evidence from a crime scene is stored matters. Even a simple mistake can tamper with the evidence’s pure nature. If police officers fail to properly store evidence, that mistake can cost the prosecution and lead to a dismissal of your charges.
Police officers aren’t the only ones whose mistakes can affect the evidence. It’s common for forensic scientists to mistake a substance for an illegal drug or to use defective lab equipment. Your drug crimes lawyer can evaluate the chain of custody for your evidence and ensure it is properly transported. If not, they can use that information to your advantage.
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Talk to a Drug Crimes Lawyer in Lynwood, CA, Today
Being charged with a drug offense does not have to be the end of your free life. Let a Lynwood drug crimes lawyer from the Simmrin Law Group fight for your rights. Call us today to schedule a consultation.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form