In Lynwood, a theft crime is a criminal act. It involves taking another person’s money or property without their permission. In California, a theft charge can be a misdemeanor or a felony. Facing these charges without skilled legal representation can lead to detrimental consequences, including jail or prison time, major fines, probation, and more.
If you have been charged with a theft crime, securing a Lynwood theft crimes attorney who can confidently defend you is essential.
Lynwood Misdemeanor Petty Theft Crimes
If property or money is stolen and the value is $400 or less, it is considered petty theft. Petty theft is a misdemeanor that can carry a sentence of up to six months in jail and other expenses, fines, and court orders. These may cover the following items:
- Court fines
- Victim restitution
- Investigative charges paid to law enforcement
- Community service
- Counseling programs
- Probation
The process can become considerably more costly than the value of the stolen item. While it may not seem essential to seek counsel in the case of petty theft, it is in your best interest to do so. A conviction on your record could cause you to be charged with a more strident punishment if you were ever to sustain another criminal charge in the future.
For a free legal consultation with a theft crimes lawyer serving Lynwood, call (310) 896-2723
Petty Theft with a Prior
If you were to be charged with another petty theft, you could be charged with a felony. This is considered a petty theft with a prior. California Penal Code Section 666 allows the prosecutor to charge you with a felony. This can be much more detrimental to your life, so avoiding the first petty theft charge is advisable.
After a petty theft conviction and serving time in custody, it allows the automatic filing of a second offense as a felony. Petty theft with a prior can carry the following penalties:
- Up to three years in prison
- Mandatory counseling
- Parole or probation
- High court fines
- Compulsory community service
- Restitution to the victim
- Reimbursement to the law enforcement agency
If you are arrested for a theft crime, contact a Lynwood criminal defense attorney to begin fighting the charges for you. Much of your future depends on how this current issue is handled.
Lynwood Theft Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Grand Theft Crimes in Lynwood
If you have been charged with grand theft, the property or money taken without permission is valued at $950 or more. If you are convicted of a felony theft crime, you can expect the following punishments:
- Prison
- High court fines
- Restitution for the victim
- Repayment to the law enforcement
- Probation or parole
- Supervision
- Counseling
Any theft crime you are convicted of will figure heavily into the charges and sentencing of future crimes. It is best to keep your slate clean and fight to prove your innocence. Repeat offenders can face years in jail.
It is best to contact a theft crimes attorney in Lynwood as soon as you find yourself charged.
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Common Theft Crimes in Lynwood
Theft crimes cover many crimes and become much more involved than a simple petty theft charge. The charges and sentencing will depend on several factors, including prior convictions. Here are some examples of California theft crimes.
Grand Theft
Grand theft can be a felony or misdemeanor, and several factors will be taken into account to decide how to charge this crime. Things like the value of the stolen item, the previous criminal history of the accused, whether a weapon was involved, and the sophistication of the theft.
Robbery is a felony. A first-degree robbery carries up to nine years in prison, while a second-degree charge carries up to five years in state prison. Both carry $10,000 fines.
Armed Robbery
Armed robbery is a felony robbery with a weapon involved. The penalties for armed robbery are severe. An additional ten years could be added to the sentence if a weapon was used.
The accused could face 20 years in prison if the weapon was discharged. The accused could face twenty-five years to life in prison if someone were seriously injured or killed during the commission of the robbery.
Automobile Theft
There are three types of vehicle theft: grand theft auto, carjacking, and joyriding. Carjacking is a strike offense in California since the victim is present and threatened during the robbery. Sentences for carjacking can carry a sentence of three, five, or nine years.
Grand theft auto is a wobbler offense and can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony. If charged as a felony, the accused could face a maximum of three years in prison. The value of the automobile can add more time to the sentence.
Joyriding can land the accused in county jail for up to a year. It is also a wobbler offense and, if charged as a felony, could carry with it up to three years in a county jail.
Embezzlement is charged as grand or petty theft. It is considered a wobbler offense.
Felony embezzlement may be punished with three years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine.
A misdemeanor petty theft charge can penalize the defendant with six months in county jail if convicted and a fine of up to $1,000
Money laundering
Money laundering is another wobbler offense. The accused’s criminal record and other factors will be considered when deciding if a misdemeanor or felony charge should be applied. Felony sentences can be up to three years in prison with maximum fines of $250,000 or two times the amount of money that was laundered, whichever is greater.
Money laundering with a prior can mean fines of $500,000 or five times the amount of money that was laundered. The greater amount will be fined. Federal Courts will also pursue a conviction and can land the defendant in federal prison for up to 20 years.
Identity Theft
Identify theft, as defined by California Penal Code §530, means any person who illegally and purposefully possesses and retains personal identifying information that belongs to someone else. Each item that contains personal data will be considered a separate offense, carrying a punishment of 3 years in state prison, court costs and fines, parole, and restitution to the victim and law enforcement.
The federal government will also pursue charges involving identity theft with fines and sentences in federal prison up to 25 years.
Credit Card Fraud
Credit card fraud in California can carry a range of penalties. A year in county jail and a $1,000 fine if the fraud was less severe. More severe fraud can carry up to three years in county jail and fines of up to $10,000.
Credit card fraud is a federal offense, so the federal government will likely seek a conviction that could lead to time served in federal prison.
Each crime carries a different penalty, but if you have prior convictions, the potential punishments will carry much more weight. This could mean a combination of more time served and more money out of your pocket. A theft crimes lawyer in Lynwood can help you mount a strong defense against these charges to avoid such steep penalties.
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Call a Lynwood Theft Crimes Lawyer Today
A Lynwood theft crime’s legal penalties will be determined by the value of the stolen property and the defendant’s criminal history. Sometimes, this can amount to lengthy prison sentences and exorbitant fines.
You should immediately employ a Lynwood theft crimes attorney to avoid these significant consequences. Their insight and expertise will be invaluable when your day in court comes.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form