In the state of California, it is illegal to bring a weapon to a public transit facility (PTF). Doing so could lead to criminal charges, and a conviction of these charges could result in incarceration and fines. Generally, the court uses Penal Code 171.7 to prosecute this crime.
We’re here to provide you with more information about PC 171.7 charges, including the kinds of weapons that cannot be brought to a public transit facility. Consider the exact penalties for a PC 171.7 conviction and possible legal defenses.
Specific Information About PC 171.7 Charges
Possessing a weapon in some parts of a PTF in California is against the law. Note that weapons should not be brought into “sterile areas” of a PTF. A sterile area is an area that is protected by a security plan developed for the facility.
It may be difficult to identify when you have passed into a sterile area. However, anytime you pass through security, you can assume you are entering a sterile area. It may be a good idea to simply avoid bringing weapons into any part of a PTF just to be safe.
It’s useful to review the kinds of weapons that are forbidden in PTFs in California. These include:
- Firearms or imitation firearms
- BB guns or pellet guns
- Replica hand grenades or practice hand grenades
- Undetectable knives
- Tear gas weapons
Bringing any one of these weapons into a PTF could lead to criminal charges.
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Defining Public Transit Facilities in California
You may wonder about the exact definition of a PTF in California. A PTF is any facility that offers transportation. There are a number of different PTFs around the state. You may enter a PTF if you are seeking transport on:
- Trains or subways
- A light rail system
- Buses
- Streetcars
- Rapid transit systems
Note that the above does not represent an exhaustive list of these facilities. If you would like to review additional PTFs, you may contact a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles to learn more at (310) 896-2723. A lawyer may also provide you with information about similar charges, including:
- Penal Code 171(b): Weapons in Public Buildings
- Penal Code 171(d): Firearms in the Governor’s Mansion
- Penal Code 171.5: Weapons at Airports
Reach out to the Simmrin Law Group right now to find out more about these criminal charges. We’re ready to provide you with clear-cut answers to all of your legal questions.
Criminal Defense Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Consider Penalties for a PC 171.7 Conviction
Individuals convicted of bringing a weapon to a PTF may face serious legal consequences here in California. PC 171.7 is considered a misdemeanor by the court system. Convictions for PC 171.7 accusations may result in:
- Up to $1,000 in fines
- Up to six months in jail
In some cases, the court may sentence an individual to probation instead of jail time. While on probation, individuals are expected to follow certain orders set down by the court system. Failure to follow these regulations could result in a probation violation.
Probation violations are criminal offenses in California. Individuals who violate their probation could end up spending time in jail. Make sure you understand all the results of a conviction for bringing a weapon to a PTF by contacting us right now.
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Review Defenses for Bringing a Weapon to a Public Transit Facility
The result of a conviction under PC 171.7 is very harsh. Fortunately, there are several defenses if you are accused of bringing a weapon to a PTF. You may allow a lawyer to demonstrate that:
You Brought a Weapon Under Duress
In some cases, other individuals may threaten or force you to bring a weapon into a PTF. Threats against your health or well-being could help you avoid a criminal conviction. Tell a lawyer if you were forced to bring a weapon to a PTF against your will.
You Did Not Know You Had a Weapon
You may end up bringing a weapon to a PTF by accident. If you did not know you had a weapon in your possession, you could avoid a PC 171.7 conviction.
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Talk to a Lawyer About Weapons at Public Transit Facilities Charges
Find out how to build a defense if you were charged under Penal Code 171.7: Weapons at Public Transit Facilities. Start working with the team at the Simmrin Law Group to get help right now. We’re ready to help you if you call (310) 896-2723. You may also complete our online contact form. Get assistance from a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles now.
Contact us now to get a free consultation about your legal options.
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