Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious act that can result in heavy fines, jail time, and the loss of your driver’s license in Inglewood, CA. You may face accusations of a DUI after a traffic stop or a car accident. Once you’re facing DUI charges, you must act quickly to protect yourself and your future.
Drivers who face DUI accusations can end up in legal trouble. The court and the prosecutors you face want you to face the consequences for drunk or drugged driving regardless of the facts of your case. Getting professional help in your corner can improve your odds of success in court. Simmrin Law Group has experience helping defend clients just like you, and our Inglewood DUI lawyers can do the same for you.
Traffic Violations in Inglewood
The court system in Inglewood harshly penalizes drivers accused and convicted of a DUI. You can also face legal difficulties if law enforcement officers accuse you of other traffic violations. You could even face charges of a criminal misdemeanor or felony for some acts.
Punishments for traffic violations can vary, but they generally include fines and time in jail or prison, like other criminal charges. However, traffic violations come with their own special penalties. If authorities convict you of a traffic violation, you will have points added to your license. If you accrue enough points, they will suspend your license.
Driver’s License Suspension Is Possible in DUI Cases
In some cases, such as after a DUI, you could face a driver’s license suspension, even without the requisite points. In fact, the suspension related to a DUI arrest is administrative. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) handles them, and it may occur regardless of the outcome of your criminal case.
Some drivers try to handle traffic violation charges and license suspensions alone. This usually requires a lot of time and effort, and it generally ends in failure. Legal representation and help from an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Inglewood can improve your chances of winning your case.
For a free legal consultation with a dui lawyer serving Inglewood, call (310) 896-2723
Charges for a DUI in Inglewood
The court system in Inglewood can convict you of a DUI if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is above the state’s legal limit. In general, drivers over the age of 21 cannot legally drive with a BAC of .08 percent or higher. Keep in mind that the state uses different limits for other drivers, including:
- .04 percent BAC for commercial drivers
- .01 percent BAC for drivers under age 21
Police officers generally measure your BAC with the use of a chemical test. Under some circumstances, you can refuse this test without facing additional consequences. You must take this test if the police lawfully arrest you for DUI. You will have to take this test before your arrest if you are:
- On DUI probation
- Younger than 21 years old
The officer who pulled you over might also try to force you to take a field sobriety test. You do have the right to refuse these tests. It can benefit you to do so since tests such as walking a straight line are often difficult when nervous, regardless of whether you were drinking. Once a police officer arrests you, you must perform the tests asked of you, or you could face serious consequences. They will likely move straight to a chemical breath or blood test at this point.
You may also face DUI charges if a police officer accuses you of driving while under the influence of a drug or medication. It is illegal to drive after using any mind-altering drug, including marijuana, prescription opiates, or even over-the-counter medications that cause drowsiness. You could face DUI drug charges with the same penalties as a DUI alcohol conviction.
Penalties for a DUI Conviction in Inglewood
If the courts convict you of a DUI, you will face harsh repercussions. This includes up to six months of jail time, the suspension of your license, and fines of $2,000. The penalties for DUIs get harsher each time a person receives a conviction.
Dealing with a DUI on your own can cost you your freedom and driving privileges. A DUI lawyer in Inglewood who has experience beating prosecutors can strengthen your case. You can improve your odds in court by getting help as soon as possible.
Inglewood DUI Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Rules Regarding Traffic Infractions in Inglewood
Most drivers are familiar with traffic infractions. These are minor mistakes made while driving that the courts do not charge as criminal acts. Common examples of traffic infractions include:
- Speeding
- Running a red light
- Failing to yield to oncoming traffic while turning
- Running stop signs
- Abusing a carpool lane
- Changing lanes illegally
Police officers generally site drivers for traffic infractions by issuing them a ticket. However, you can also receive a traffic infraction ticket from red-light cameras in the Inglewood area. While the use of red-light cameras is controversial, they are constitutional, according to the California Supreme Court.
In general, you can agree to a guilty plea and pay the traffic ticket or fight it in court. You will not face the harsh penalties for a traffic infraction that you would for a DUI, but there are still consequences. You could face fines for a traffic infraction, and you will have one point added to your license if you enter a guilty plea or the courts find you guilty of the infraction.
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Traffic Violations That the Law Considers Criminal Acts in Inglewood
In addition to relatively minor traffic infractions, you can face criminal charges for more than a DUI while driving in Inglewood. Depending on your situation, you could face misdemeanor charges for several acts, including:
Reckless Driving
Individuals drive recklessly if they ignore other people’s safety while operating a motor vehicle. The following acts are examples of behaviors that may be reckless driving in Inglewood:
- Racing
- Road rage
- Illegal passing
- Daredevil behavior
- Street racing
You could face misdemeanor charges if a police officer stops you for reckless driving or accuses you of this behavior after a traffic accident. If serious injuries occurred in an accident, felony charges may be possible. This is a serious allegation. You should connect with our team as soon as you can to protect your rights and best interests.
Driving on an Invalid License
In order to legally drive a motor vehicle in Inglewood, you must have a valid license. If the courts or DMV suspended or revoked your license and you continue to drive, you could face misdemeanor charges in court. Convictions for driving without a valid license can lead to six months in jail and fines of $1,000.
Any misdemeanor charge for a traffic violation also puts points on your license. You will receive two points if they convict you of reckless driving or driving without a valid license. You could lose your license if you break too traffic laws.
Dealing with a criminal charge for a traffic violation requires experience navigating the criminal justice system and fighting this type of allegation. Get the help you need from one of our DUI lawyers today.
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An Experienced DUI Lawyer Can Fight for You
Accusations of a DUI or another traffic violation can cost you money and prevent you from driving your vehicle. You could go to prison or jail if the courts convict you. You can fight back. Make sure you have a solid defense by working with Simmrin Law Group. Our Inglewood DUI lawyers know the strategies prosecutors in Inglewood use. We’re ready to put our skills to work for you.
Contact us now for a FREE consultation by filling out our contact form or calling us today.
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