As a federal crime, mail fraud should be taken very seriously in Santa Clarita, CA. You can end up facing incredibly steep fines and a lengthy period of time behind bars if you are convicted of mail fraud. Make sure you’re ready to handle these charges by contacting the Simmrin Law Group today.
Our mail fraud lawyers in Santa Clarita are standing by to offer you the professional legal assistance you need when facing federal charges. Our team can work on your defense, help you handle legal questioning, assist with your bail hearing, and more. Call (310) 896-2723 to find out more.
You Can Understand Santa Clarita Mail Fraud Charges
The Simmrin Law Group can help you review the definition of mail fraud in Santa Clarita. Technically, you may face charges for mail fraud if you:
- Intentionally participate in fraudulent activity
- Involving the U.S. mail system OR
- Involving private mail carriers like FedEx
Note that the mail does not have to be the direct method through with fraud was committed for mail fraud charges to be brought against you. If a fraudulent scheme involves any type of mail communication, mail fraud charges could apply.
For a free legal consultation with a mail fraud lawyer serving Santa Clarita, call (310) 896-2723
Specific Examples of Mail Fraud in Santa Clarita
Some people have an easier time understanding mail fraud charges if they review examples of situations involving this criminal act. Let’s go over a few examples of mail fraud now.
Man A comes up with a fraudulent scheme designed to obtain banking information from older people. He sends out letters through the mail that appears to be from the IRS requesting various information. People respond by mailing the information back. Man A could be charged with mail fraud for placing something in the mail and for receiving something delivered through the mail.
Man B carries out an act of fraud online by emailing various people to get them to sign up for a service that does not exist. One of the people he emails requests a sample of the product. Man B puts together something quickly and has Man C mail it. He could be charged with mail fraud for having someone else mail the package associated with the fraudulent action.
Santa Clarita Mail Fraud Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
The Federal Court and Mail Fraud Charges
It’s important that you understand that all acts of mail fraud are prosecuted by the federal court system. This means that your charges can lead to severe repercussions. You will be sent to a federal prison instead of a state jail if you are convicted of mail fraud.
Many mail fraud convictions lead to up to 20 years of time in prison. However, some cases can result in a sentence of up to 30 years. You can face this increased amount of prison time if you are accused of mail fraud involving:
- A federal disaster
- A financial institution
The federal court system can also require you to pay back the money acquired through an act of fraud. You could be ordered to pay court fines in addition to this restitution payment. A criminal defense lawyer in Santa Clarita can help you review all penalties associated with mail fraud. Call (310) 896-2723 to learn more.
Click to contact our Santa Clarita Criminal Defense Lawyers today
Focus on Your Defense to Mail Fraud Charges
Building a defense to mail fraud charges can be much easier if you work with a federal crimes lawyer in Santa Clarita. The team at the Simmrin Law Group can help with all aspects of your federal case. Allow us to take steps to get your charges reduced or even dismissed today.
We may be able to defend you by demonstrating that you did not actually commit fraud. According to legal codes in California, individuals only commit fraud if they intentionally and knowingly misrepresent material facts about something. If you merely made a mistake or shared information you thought to be true, you could avoid a charge for mail fraud.
We can also work to block evidence against you, especially if your rights were violated by law enforcement officers or prosecutors. Start getting the legal protection you need today from our mail fraud lawyers in Santa Clarita.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now
Speak to a Santa Clarita Mail Fraud Lawyer Today
Make sure you’re prepared to take on mail fraud charges in Santa Clarita by contacting the Simmrin Law Group for help right now. We are ready to provide you with comprehensive legal assistance every step of the way. Just fill out our online contact form or call (310) 896-2723 to get started.
You can easily reach our mail fraud lawyers in Santa Clarita to get a FREE case evaluation.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form