Are you dealing with charges for driving under the influence (DUI) in Westlake Village? Reach out to the Simmrin Law Group. A member of our team will assess the charges you’re facing and focus on your defense now.
Find out how we can help by calling us at (310) 896-2723. Get legal help from a Westlake Village DUI lawyer. A member of our team will investigate your case, work to block evidence against you, and take steps to get your charges reduced or dismissed.
We Handle All Types of DUI Charges in Westlake Village
The state of California does not use a single charge to prosecute DUI offenses. Instead, the court system uses a number of different charges, including:
- California Vehicle Code Section 23136: Under 21 DUI with Any Measurable Amount of Alcohol
- California Vehicle Code Section 23152(a): Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
- California Vehicle Code Section 23152(f): Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
- California Vehicle Code Section 23153: DUI Causing Injury
These charges all require different treatment by a DUI lawyer. The Simmrin Law Group focuses on providing personalized assistance to clients charged with a DUI. Allow us to investigate your situation starting right now. This investigation allows us to provide you with unique legal advice.
For a free legal consultation with a dui lawyer serving Westlake Village, call (310) 896-2723
Get Information About DUI Arrests in Westlake Village
Be sure to contact a DUI lawyer in Westlake Village after you are arrested. DUI arrests can feel confusing for many drivers. A law enforcement officer will pull you over if they believe you were driving erratically or recklessly. The officer will then ask that you:
- Complete field sobriety testing
- Complete blood alcohol content (BAC) testing
Breathalyzers are often used for BAC testing in Westlake Village. Note that you can face legal repercussions if you refuse a lawfully ordered BAC test. You must comply with tests ordered after a lawful arrest. Additionally, drivers under 21 and drivers on DUI probation have to take DUI tests even before they are arrested.
Once you are arrested, contact a DUI lawyer for help. Your lawyer will advise you about the best way to handle the charges you’re facing. Find out more by calling us at (310) 896-2723.
Westlake Village DUI Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Results of a DUI Conviction in Westlake Village
DUI charges should receive serious treatment in Westlake Village. A conviction for a DUI offense can impact your life for many years to come. You may end up facing:
- Jail time
- Court fines
- Orders to attend DUI school
- Orders to use an ignition interlock device (IID)
IIDs are personal breathalyzer devices. You may need to install these devices in your vehicle after a DUI conviction. You then have to breathe into the IID each time you want to drive. It will not allow you to operate your vehicle if your BAC is elevated. However, using an IID can prevent the suspension of your license after a DUI conviction.
Additionally, every DUI charge in California is priorable. This means that the conviction remains on your driving record for 10 years. During this 10-year period, a conviction will count against you if you are convicted of another DUI.
The penalties grow more serious each time you are convicted of a DUI in Westlake Village, so focus on getting legal help with your charges.
Click to contact our Westlake Village Criminal Defense Lawyers today
Build a DUI Defense in Westlake Village
You are not alone after a DUI arrest in Westlake Village. The team at the Simmrin Law Group will get to work on your defense right away. We are prepared to investigate your charges and dispute the evidence against you.
In some cases, a lawyer could block the results of your BAC testing. Your lawyer will also work to discredit the accuracy of these tests. BAC tests will not return correct results if a police officer does not administer them properly, for example.
Your lawyer will even work to show that you were stopped by a police officer without reasonable cause. This could get your charges dismissed in Westlake Village. Your lawyer will also defend you in court, working to bring you a verdict in your favor.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now
Contact a Westlake Village DUI Lawyer Right Now
Take steps to construct a defense if you are accused of a DUI in Westlake Village. Reach out to the Simmrin Law Group so we can focus on your case. We will review the facts of your case with a free consultation. Find out more by speaking to a DUI lawyer in Westlake Village.
You can reach us if you call (310) 896-2723, or fill out our online contact form.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form