Make sure you get professional help in your corner right away if you are accused of a criminal act in Yorba Linda, CA. You can get legal advice quickly by contacting the professionals at the Simmrin Law Group.
Getting help from a criminal defense lawyer in Yorba Linda can increase your chances of successfully resolving the charges you are facing. Contact us now and we can go over your legal options while we begin working on a defense to meet your unique needs.
Take the Right Steps After an Arrest in Yorba Linda
It’s important that you take any arrest seriously in Yorba Linda. Criminal charges can result in jail time, fines, and other serious penalties. Make sure you focus on your defense right away by contacting a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. A legal professional can help you with:
- Interviews with police officers and prosecutors
- Your bail hearing
- Any plea bargains you are offered
There are also a few activities you should avoid so as not to weaken your defense in Yorba Linda. It is highly advised that you:
- Do not discuss your case without a criminal defense lawyer present.
- Do not post anything about your arrest on social media.
- Do not plead guilty or accept a plea bargain without a lawyer’s advice.
- Do not argue or fight with police officers.
Following these guidelines can help keep your defense strong after you are arrested.
For a free legal consultation, call (310) 896-2723
Build a Defense for Any Criminal Charge
There are many different charges used in the court system in Yorba Linda. You could be charged with a:
- Property crime
- Drug crime
- Violent crime
- Sex crime
- Theft crime
- White collar crime
The court system can also prosecute you for traffic violations, such as driving under the influence (DUI) or reckless driving. All of these charges should be taken seriously, which is why it’s important that you work with a legal professional after any arrest.
Yorba Linda Criminal Defense Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Understand the Penalties for Criminal Charges in Yorba Linda
Not all criminal charges in Yorba Linda are punished the same way. However, many charges can lead to similar penalties that can include:
- Fines, court fees, and restitution payments to victims
- Time spent in jail or prison
- Supervised or unsupervised probation
These are basic repercussions that you can face if you are convicted of petty theft, battery, fraud, and many other criminal acts in Yorba Linda. You should be aware that some charges can result in additional penalties, including:
- The suspension of your driver’s license
- The revocation of your right to own firearms
- The requirement to register as a sex offender
The court system can even require you to attend anger management classes or an alcohol treatment program in some cases.
Click to contact our Criminal Defense Lawyer today
Focus on All Aspects of Your Case in California
Here at the Simmrin Law Group, we believe in offering dedicated support to clients in your situation. We’ll put our legal know-how to work building your defense to get ready for the courtroom. Our criminal defense lawyers can also:
- Take steps to block evidence against you
- Monitor the police investigation into your case
- Negotiate with prosecutors to reduce your charges
- Assess any plea bargains you are offered
- Work to get your charges dismissed entirely
Make sure that you allow a professional criminal defense lawyer to go over any plea bargains that might apply to your case. Prosecutors often try to get you to agree to these deals by claiming they are in your best interests. Many times, they will work against you and they should always be subjected to professional scrutiny.
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Let Us Defend You in Court in Yorba Linda
The legal professionals at the Simmrin Law Group know what it takes to successfully resolve criminal charges in Yorba Linda. We can go over all aspects of your case when building your defense, providing you with the legal guidance you need if you were charged with an infraction, misdemeanor, or felony.
Getting professional help on your side right away can improve your odds of beating a criminal charge. Let us start working on your defense as soon as you are arrested in Yorba Linda.
Speak with a Yorba Linda Criminal Defense Lawyer
You can improve your odds of beating a criminal accusation in Yorba Linda by contacting the Simmrin Law Group right now. Reaching our criminal defense lawyers in Yorba Linda is simple. Just complete our online contact form or call (310) 896-2723 to get started.
We are ready to build a defense for any charge you are facing, starting with a FREE case evaluation.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form