There are many laws in place that protect Californians from weapons. So, the court system can punish those convicted of a weapons charge harshly. This type of criminal offense can lead to very steep penalties if an experienced Encino weapons charges lawyer does not represent you.
California Has Some of the Most Stringent Gun Laws in the Country
Arrests for violating weapons laws in Encino can result in serious criminal charges. The following charges are some of the more common offenses:
- Purchasing a gun from unlicensed sellers. Gun dealers are required to maintain an up-to-date California permit to sell.
- Purchasing a gun without passing the state’s required written exam.
- Failure to receive California’s mandatory firearm safety certification.
- The purchase of more than one handgun per month is a violation of California gun laws.
- It violates the state’s gun laws if a gun is purchased without a background check.
- Ignoring the 10-day waiting period required when selling or transferring a firearm.
- Being in violation of California’s .50 caliber ban on rifles and assault weapons.
For a free legal consultation with a weapons charges lawyer serving Encino, call (310) 896-2723
Other Encino Weapons Charges
Depending on the other charges you face, your criminal record, and potentially aggravating factors, your alleged crime could be considered a misdemeanor or a felony. Your weapons charges lawyer in Encino, California, will defend you against charges like the following:
- Breaking laws that govern the carrying of concealed firearms
- Assault with a deadly weapon
- Brandishing a weapon
- Felons who possess a firearms
- Firing a gun at buildings, aircrafts, or vehicles
- Carrying an unloaded or loaded handgun openly and in public
- Illegal firearm possession
- Shooting a gun while inside a vehicle
- Guns brought into California from other states must be registered. Failure to do so is a crime.
- One should not discharge a firearm recklessly. Criminal charges may accompany such an offense
Your Encino weapons charges lawyer will understand the consequences of your charges and will aid you in presenting the most vigorous defense possible. When possible, your attorney may negotiate a plea agreement. You can count on them to mount a persuasive case for you or your loved one.
Encino Weapons Charges Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Possible Penalties You Could Face if Charged with a Weapons Crime
When arrested for a weapons offense, you could face various charges. If you are convicted, here are some possible outcomes.
- A misdemeanor for breaking a concealed carry of a firearm law could result in serving up to a year in the county jail. And fines of $1000.
- A felony conviction for the same type of offense can cost you up to $10,000 in fines, and you could face up to three years in county jail.
- California has a Three-Strike law that can result in life in prison if you already have two strikes against your record. If convicted of a third strike, you can expect a life sentence in prison.
When facing these serious charges, you must have a qualified, experienced attorney to guide you so that you can avoid these serious consequences.
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Life After a Conviction
Once you have been convicted of a weapon offense, you may have to serve jail or prison time. You will most likely face burdensome fines while having many other aspects of your life impacted. The personal elements of your life that are altered after such a conviction can be among the most difficult to bear.
Some of the difficulties that you might face are:
- Difficulty securing housing. Your future landlord may do a background check and find that you are not someone they feel comfortable with as a tenant.
- Lost job opportunities. Your employer may not hold a position for you while you serve your sentence.
- Denied employment is also a possible consequence. Firearms charges are serious, and some employers will not want to take a chance on an employee who could potentially be considered dangerous.
- Higher education opportunities can be jeopardized since you could be disqualified and no longer eligible for federal student aid programs.
- Your life might be restricted by specific penalties such as a curfew or a probation officer’s requirements for meetings and behavior.
The Long-Term Effects of a Loss of Reputation
The most challenging thing one charged with a weapons offense will face is the loss of reputation. This can have a far-reaching impact, such as:
- Your professional reputation could be in jeopardy, and you may struggle to maintain your career’s trajectory.
- Personal relationships can deteriorate after a severe conviction. There is an inherent loss of trust that accompanies serious crimes.
- If the defendant is a parent, their relationship with their child or children can be jeopardized. Child custody and visitation may be adjusted to protect the safety of the children.
So much of your life is at risk. It only makes sense to employ an attorney who can defend you and help you retain a semblance of normalcy. An Encino weapons charges attorney can help you manage the difficulties you face due to your charges. You can trust Simmrin Law Group’s weapons charges lawyer in Los Angeles to defend it.
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Possible Defenses for an Encino Weapons Charges Offense
Your weapons charges attorney in Encino will defend you against the oppressive outcomes you may face. Here are some possible defenses:
- Perhaps you were in danger and were unlawfully carrying a firearm. This could be because you were feeling threatened and needed it for self-defense.
- Your possession of the firearm in question was a legal one.
- Sometimes, the authorities conduct unlawful searches. If the weapon was found due to inappropriate and illegal actions of law enforcement, you might have been wrongfully charged.
- The weapon you possess was not one you knew was in your keeping. Someone may have left it with you without your knowledge.
- Sometimes police reports contain information or statements that are clearly false. Your Encino weapons charges attorney has seen it all before and will know how to investigate and prove this for you.
Facing jail time and significant fines can be terrifying. The effects that follow a conviction can cause problems for years. It is in your best interest to contact an experienced defense strategist who can prepare a strong and aggressive case to protect you from these negative consequences.
Begin Mounting a Robust Defense Today by Contacting an Encino Weapons Charges Lawyer
Simmrin Law Group stands between you and a possible prison sentence. They want to spare you a guilty verdict by defending you with a robust and powerful strategy. Their goal is for you to walk away unscathed and with your life, career, and reputation intact.
Contact them today if you or a loved one faces a weapons charge.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form