If you need a Temecula DUI lawyer or Temecula criminal defense attorney, the Simmrin Law Group is here to help. When you are accused of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), our team understands how to increase your chance of resolving drunk driving charges successfully. Call to get the help you need today handling misdemeanor or felony DUI charges.
Understand the Definition of DUI and DWI in Temecula
Drivers in Temecula may face charges for a DUI anytime they operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of:
- Alcohol
- Illicit drugs
- Some prescription medications
- Some over-the-counter medications
- Any combination of the above
Generally, any substance that impairs a driver’s ability to operate a vehicle in a safe and reasonable manner may lead to DUI charges. An individual must actually be driving a vehicle to be charged with a DUI in Temecula.
DWI (driving while intoxicated) specifically means having alcohol in your system while driving and is usually a more serious charge. DWI must be proven by a breath, blood, or urine test to demonstrate that the driver was intoxicated. In either case, you need a skilled Temecula DUI attorney to protect your rights and fight the charges.
For a free legal consultation, call (310) 896-2723
Facts About DUI Arrests in Temecula
If you are stopped because a law enforcement officer believes you are committing a DUI, you may be asked to complete a number of different assessments. These assessments include:
- Preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) tests
- Chemical blood alcohol content (BAC) tests
- Field sobriety tests (FST)
The results of these tests are used to determine whether you are operating a vehicle while impaired or not. While chemical BAC tests directly measure the percentage of alcohol in your system to see if you are over the legal limit in California, FSTs can measure your ability to perform certain tasks in the way a sober person would. You are legally allowed to refuse PAS tests and FSTs in some situations, however, you must always complete these tests if you are:
- Legally arrested
- On DUI probation
- Under the age of 21
Refusing a legally mandated test during or after a DUI arrest can lead to the one-year suspension of your driver’s license and other penalties. Get help from a Los Angeles DUI lawyer if you are accused of a DUI test refusal.
Temecula DUI Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Misdemeanor DUI vs. Felony DUI
In California, DUI can be charged as a misdemeanor or as a felony. The key difference is whether your actions while driving under the influence caused serious injury or death to others. Most DUIs are charged as misdemeanors, especially the first three offenses in a ten-year period.
Avoiding a felony charge can be difficult if you have hurt someone, but an experienced Temecula DUI attorney from the Simmrin Law Group can help you understand your options.
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Outcomes of DUI Convictions in Temecula
The California court system can hand down a number of harsh penalties if you are convicted of a DUI in Temecula. The penalties for a first-time DUI involving no injuries can include:
- Fines of up to $2,000
- Jail time of up to six months
- Attendance in DUI school
- Restrictions on driving privileges
Note that the above penalties only apply to first-time DUI charges. DUIs are priorable, meaning they can be considered as prior offenses that reflect negatively against you on future offenses. Each time a driver is convicted of a DUI in Temecula, the penalties they face can increase.
The results of a DUI conviction can also be much higher if a driver:
- Has a BAC far above the legal limit
- Hurt someone else while committing a DUI
- Killed someone while committing a DUI
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How Can a Temecula DUI Attorney Help my Case?
DUI charges can be difficult to handle on your own. A DUI lawyer in Temecula can work to help you with all the legal hurdles you face after a DUI arrest. We can:
Protect Your Legal Rights
You will likely be questioned about your DUI charges by prosecutors and law enforcement officers. A lawyer can stand up for you during this questioning to ensure your rights are respected. We can also monitor the police as they investigate your case, to make sure they don’t violate your rights.
Work on Your Defense
Investigating your case can allow us to work on a strong defense for you. We may be able to get your charges reduced by negotiating with the prosecution. In some cases, your charges may even be dismissed, especially if you were arrested without reasonable cause.
Help with the Department of Motor Vehicles
The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) plays a role in DUI cases in Temecula. Drivers arrested for a DUI can have their license suspended before a conviction by the DMV. Allow us to help you handle the DMV so you can continue to operate your vehicle freely.
Contact a Temecula DUI Lawyer Today
The professionals at the Simmrin Law Group are ready to help you take on DUI charges in Temecula. You can reach us easily when you need help after a DUI arrest. Complete our online contact form or call to learn more about your legal options.
Find answers to questions about DUI charges with a free case evaluation from a DUI attorney in Temecula today.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form