You can face harsh penalties if you are charged with drug possession in the Long Beach area. The court system can hand down fines and jail time if you are convicted of drug possession, completely disrupting your life.
Fortunately, you can get help beating a drug possession charge by contacting the Simmrin Law Group. Our team of professional drug possession defense lawyers in Long Beach can get to work on your case today. Let us start working on your defense so you have the best chances of protecting your freedom.
California’s Definition of Drug Possession
You can find the official definition of drug possession in California’s Health and Safety Code Section 11350. This section of the law makes two forms of drug possession illegal:
Actual Possession
The laws on actual possession make it illegal to physically carry a controlled substance. Individuals can face this charge if they have a controlled substance hidden somewhere on their body or even just placed in a pocket.
Constructive Possession
You can also be charged with drug possession if a controlled substance is considered to be “under your control.” The court considers a drug to be in your control if it is somehow in your possession, even if you are not currently holding it. For example, a controlled substance would be in your control if you put it somewhere:
- In Your Home
- In Your Car
- In Your Work Office
Both actual and constructive drug possession can lead to fines and incarceration. Get help handling these charges the right way by reaching out to a drug crimes lawyer in Long Beach today.
For a free legal consultation with a drug crimes lawyer serving Long Beach, call (310) 896-2723
Defining Controlled Substances in Long Beach
The state of California controls many different substances. Some controlled substances are probably obvious, such as:
- Heroin
- Ecstasy
- Methamphetamines
However, there are a wide range of other substances that are controlled in Long Beach. Generally, anything you need a prescription to get is considered a controlled substance. This includes many different:
- Opiates
- Depressants
- Steroids
- Hallucinogens
- Stimulants
Note that you should not face drug possession charges if you have a prescription that allows you to have a specific controlled substance.
A Note About Marijuana
Many people are aware that marijuana usage has been largely decriminalized in California. However, marijuana is still treated as a controlled substance. This is because you are only allowed to have specific amounts of marijuana.
If you are found in possession of amounts of marijuana that exceed the limits set by the state, you can still face criminal charges.
Long Beach Drug Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Long Beach Penalties for Drug Possession
You can be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony for drug possession in Long Beach. The vast majority of drug possession charges are considered misdemeanors. Convictions for a misdemeanor drug possession charge can result in penalties that include:
- Fines: Up to $1,000
- Jail Time: Up to 1 Year
The $1,000 fine for a drug possession conviction only applies to a first-time charge. If you are convicted of drug possession again, the fine can increase to $2,000.
You should be aware that you can be charged with a felony for drug possession in some circumstances. Individuals may be charged with felony drug possession if they were previously convicted of:
- A Serious Felony
- A Sex Crime that Required Sex Offender Registration
A felony conviction for drug possession can lead to 3 years of incarceration. It is important that you treat any drug possession charge seriously by reaching out to a criminal defense lawyer in Long Beach as soon as you are charged.
Click to contact our Long Beach Criminal Defense Lawyers today
Drug Diversion Programs in Long Beach
In some cases, you may be able to participate in a drug treatment program if you are charged with drug possession. This “pretrial diversion” requires you to complete drug treatment in exchange for avoiding jail time.
If you successfully complete the drug treatment program the charges against you will be dropped. Note that not all individuals charged with drug possession are eligible for this program. A drug crimes lawyer can assess your situation and help you use this program if it applies in your case.
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Get Help from a Long Beach Drug Possession Defense Lawyer Today
You do not have to try to beat a drug possession charge on your own in Long Beach. Here at the Simmrin Law Group, we can offer you professional advice when you need it most. Let our drug possession defense lawyers in Long Beach take charge of your case, beginning with a FREE initial case evaluation.
You can complete our online contact form or call (310) 896-2723 to get immediate help constructing a defense against drug possession charges.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form