Federal crimes are typically treated more seriously than state charges. There are many examples of these crimes (as you’ll see below), and they connect by the severity of the penalties you will face if convicted. You could end up dealing with exorbitant fines and years in federal prison.
Getting immediate help from our criminal defense law firm can have a big impact on your future if you are facing federal charges. The Long Beach federal crimes lawyers at Simmrin Law Group have experience dealing with the complicated federal system and possess a proven track record of success.
What is a Federal Crime?
Federal crimes are acts prohibited nationally because of what the federal statute states. Therefore, no matter where you are in the United States, you can get charged with these crimes.
Numerous federal agencies have jurisdiction over federal crimes depending on the circumstances of the act. Examples of agencies that can get involved in federal criminal cases can include:
- Drug Enforcement Administration
- Federal Bureau of Investigations
- Internal Revenue Service
- Secret Service
Mandatory minimums get put in place for many types of federal crimes. Mandatory minimums are created by Congress and force the courts to give criminals who get convicted of a certain crime a minimum amount of jail time. Mandatory minimums vary based on the severity of the crime.
For a free legal consultation with a federal crimes lawyer serving Long Beach, call (310) 896-2723
Protect Your Future with the Long Beach Lawyers of Simmrin Law Group
When you face criminal charges, it is essential to choose an attorney who has handled many criminal cases. Even before you get arrested, contacting an attorney soon after knowing about the charges can make a difference in your case. Having an attorney get involved in the case early is helpful to the defense in the following ways:
- We can represent you during questioning with law enforcement officers.
- We can inform you of what you should and should not say to law enforcement.
- We can work to get your charges reduced or dismissed.
- We can negotiate with the prosecuting attorneys to come to a fair plea deal.
- We can offer legal advice on how to act during legal proceedings and whether to accept a plea deal or go to trial.
- If your case goes to trial, we can advocate for you in front of a jury to find you not guilty of the charges.
- We can file future appeals if necessary.
Our attorneys can stay by your side throughout the entirety of your criminal defense case. We know how scary it is to not know what your future holds. The attorneys at our firm can do what it takes to help you reach the best possible outcome.
Benefits of Simmrin Law Group
At Simmrin Law Group, we treat our clients like family. We understand that everyone makes mistakes but should have the opportunity to move forward. Benefits of our law firm include:
- We have a reputation for handling even the most demanding legal challenges so our clients can sleep better at night knowing they are in good hands.
- We have experience with legal defense and have strong relationships in the legal space.
- You can call our firm 24/7 to speak to a staff member if you have questions or need status updates on your case.
- We offer free consultations to potential clients. If you received a criminal charge and didn’t know where to turn, speak with one of our team members at no cost. There is no obligation to choose our firm if you don’t feel it is the right fit.
We believe in improving the lives of our clients. Once you get arrested, it can feel like your life is over. Our attorneys can help you feel confident about a positive outcome in your case.
Long Beach Federal Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Build Your Defense Against Federal Charges
You may have a challenging road ahead if you receive a federal crimes charge. These charges can lead to repercussions that last for the rest of your life. Federal charges may be related to:
- Fraud
- Theft
- Conspiracy
- Child Pornography
- Antitrust Violations
- Immigration Law
These charges may also deal with federal property crimes and federal gun offenses. No matter what federal charges you’re facing in Long Beach, the consequences of a conviction can be dire. Start your defense as soon as possible by contacting our Long Beach criminal defense lawyers.
Click to contact our Long Beach Criminal Defense Lawyers today
Federal Fraud Charges in California
The federal system has several serious charges related to fraud, including:
- Mail Fraud
- Bank Fraud
- Wire Fraud
- Bankruptcy Fraud
Each of these charges involves fraudulently scheming or using artifice to get money from an organization or an individual. This can involve using false pretenses or forgery. You can be convicted even if you never received any money. Depending on the exact type of fraud you get charged with, you could face:
- Fines of up to $1 million
- From 5-30 years in federal prison
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Federal Charges Related to Theft
You can get charged with several different federal crimes related to theft, including:
- Money Laundering
- Counterfeiting
- Identity Theft
- Bank Robbery
These crimes involve trying to steal money from an organization or individual or attempting to legitimize money that someone stole. In the case of identity theft, you attempt to use the personal information of another person to get credit or make purchases without their consent.
Federal theft charges come with serious consequences if you are convicted, such as:
- Fines of $5,000 – $500,000
- From 1 year to life in federal prison
You don’t have to face federal charges tied to theft on your own. Instead, work with a law firm with a tested and proven record of success to boost your chances in court.
Federal Gun and Property Crimes
Federal gun offense laws make it illegal for certain people to possess a firearm. These individuals include fugitives, convicted felons, illegal aliens, drug addicts, and more. If you are a member of a restricted group and you are found with a firearm, you could face up to 10 years in prison.
Federal property crimes cover a wide range of actions, such as theft, arson, burglary, and vandalism. All these acts are federal crimes according to the law if they take place on federal property. This means you could get charged more severely than you would if you committed the act on another property.
Protecting yourself from federal charges can be incredibly difficult. Get support in your corner with a Long Beach federal crimes lawyer who understands the court system.
Additional Federal Crimes in California
The range of federal crimes you might face can be daunting. These charges are widely varied, sometimes connected only by the severity of their penalties. You could be subject to charges related to:
Federal prosecutors can use a conspiracy charge any time two or more people consent and plan to carry out a crime together. You do not actually have to carry out the crime to be found guilty of this offense. You could face years in prison and hefty fines if convicted.
Antitrust Violations
The legal system created antitrust laws to stop businesses from forming monopolies that would negatively impact consumers. These laws make it illegal for companies to conspire together to fix prices or engage in bid-rigging. If you are convicted of this charge, you could be sent to prison for 10 years and face tremendous fines.
Immigration Law
Federal immigration law deals with deporting immigrants for a variety of reasons. You could be deported for entering the country illegally, committing marriage fraud, overstaying your visa, or using other fraudulent means to stay in the country.
Child Pornography
You can face federal child pornography charges if you possess, distribute, import, or produce pornography that features minors, or anyone under the age of 18. These charges also apply if you transport minors across state lines or solicit, transport, or kidnap a minor for sex.
If you get convicted of this crime, you would have to pay fines, spend time in prison, and register as a sex offender.
Defend Yourself from Federal Charges in Los Angeles County
Federal charges may seem insurmountable, but you do not have to face them on your own. You can get assistance from the federal crimes lawyers of Simmrin Law Group. Our lawyers have a record of courtroom success in the federal arena. Start working on your case today by contacting us for a FREE consultation. You can reach us by calling or filling out the contact form to the right of our website.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form