Sex crimes in Encino and other California cities and towns are serious offenses. If a person is accused of a sex crime, it is important to seek legal help right away. Otherwise, a sex crime charge can lead to a conviction that stays with a person long into the future.
Simmrin Law Group has comprehensive experience in sex crimes cases. We can connect you with a sex crimes lawyer in Encino who works in lockstep with you throughout your litigation. Our Encino criminal defense lawyer can help you build and execute a legal strategy for your Encino sex crime case.
Types of Sex Crimes in Encino and the Penalties Associated with Them
There are many types of sex crimes in Encino, including:
A person can be convicted of rape if this individual engages in sexual intercourse with another person against their will. In California, any form of nonconsensual sexual assault is considered rape. Anyone found guilty of rape in California can receive a prison sentence of three years or longer.
After reviewing your case, an attorney from our team can determine how California Penal Code Section 261 applies to your situation.
Child Pornography
It is illegal to possess, produce, transmit, or advertise child pornography in California. Under Penal Code 311.11 PC, possession of child pornography is a serious criminal offense that can lead to severe legal consequences.
A person convicted of a child pornography charge in California can receive a prison sentence of up to eight years and a fine of up to $100,000. In addition, this individual receives a lifetime registration on California’s sex offender list.
Soliciting a Prostitute
The act of soliciting a prostitute can result in up to one year in prison in California. A person can be found guilty of soliciting a prostitute via text message, escort service, or other methods. Also, a person can be charged with soliciting a prostitute even if no sexual activity takes place.
Getting arrested for a sex crime in Encino can feel like the end of the world. An Encino sex crimes lawyer makes sure a defendant can contest any charge. The lawyer works diligently o a defendant’s behalf to help this individual get their sex crime charge reduced or dropped.
How an Encino Sex Crimes Attorney Handles a Case
A sex crimes lawyer in Encino meets with a defendant to learn about any charges against this individual. The meeting provides a great learning opportunity for the attorney and defendant. During the meeting, the attorney analyzes the defendant’s case, and the defendant makes sure the lawyer can fulfill their legal requests.
Once a person hires a sex crimes attorney in Encino, the lawyer commits extensive time, energy, and resources to their client’s case. The attorney pursues evidence and witness testimony to get a good idea about why the defendant has been accused of a sex crime and what can be done to dispute the charge. This lawyer remains in regular contact with the defendant and works with this individual to develop a legal strategy.
As a case approaches the trial stage, an Encino sex crimes attorney ensures the defendant is well-prepared. The lawyer teaches the defendant about the trial process and what to expect when a judge or jury hears a case. Plus, the attorney remains accessible and responds to any of the defendant’s legal concerns or questions promptly.
What It Takes to Dispute an Encino Sex Crime Charge in Court
There are two sides to an Encino sex crime case: a prosecutor and a defendant. The prosecutor is responsible for showing a judge or jury that a defendant should be punished for a sex crime. Comparatively, the defendant must dispute the prosecutor’s argument to convince a judge or jury that any charges should be eliminated.
An Encino sex crimes lawyer partners with a defendant and helps this individual avoid punishment. To dispute a sex crime charge, the attorney gathers a wealth of evidence and witness testimony. On top of that, the lawyer uses all of the case information at their disposal to raise doubts about the validity of a prosecutor’s claims.
Completing a sex crime trial can be a long, exhausting process. Regardless, a sex crimes attorney does what it takes to help the defendant accomplish their desired case result. The attorney can even propose a plea bargain that allows the defendant to settle their case before it goes to trial.
How a Plea Bargain Works in an Encino Sex Crime Case
With a plea bargain, a defendant and prosecutor work together to settle a sex crime case out of court. A plea bargain represents a compromise in which each side makes a sacrifice for a fast case resolution. However, it is in a defendant’s best interest not to settle for a plea bargain agreement that falls short of their expectations. A plea bargain for a sex crime becomes part of the defendant’s criminal record.
A sex crimes lawyer in Encino can present a plea bargain proposal to a prosecutor at any time leading up to a trial date. Before doing so, the attorney consults with their client to verify a plea bargain proposal meets their requirements. If not, the lawyer and defendant continue to revise the plea bargain or avoid presenting one altogether.
If a sex crime plea bargain is presented to a prosecutor, the defendant must await their response. The prosecutor will take as much time as needed to review a plea bargain. If the prosecutor moves forward with the agreement, the case gets closed.
What to Expect if an Encino Sex Crime Case Goes to Trial
An Encino sex crime trial can be stressful for all involved. The best sex crimes lawyer in Encino encourages their client to reach out with any questions prior to a trial. This allows a defendant to ask questions and get insights that help this individual understand what to expect during a trial.
When a sex crime trial gets underway, a defendant and prosecutor are given an opportunity to present evidence and witness testimony. Each party also has the chance to counter the other side’s evidence and witness testimony. Then, a judge or jury reviews all of the information presented from both sides and renders its decision.
A judge or jury may rule in favor of a defendant if this individual presents a compelling argument. In this instance, the judge or jury may dismiss the defendant’s charge. The defendant can move past their case and does not have to worry about a sex crime conviction impacting him or her in the future.
Get Started with Contesting a Sex Crime Charge in Encino
Simmrin Law Group can help you dispute a sex crime charge in Encino. We can put you in contact with an Encino sex crimes lawyer who will help you resolve your case. To learn more or request a free case evaluation, please get in touch with us today.