A sex crimes charge in Pomona can lead to serious legal challenges. The rest of your life could be impacted by a sex crimes conviction, as you are faced with high fines, time in jail or prison, and a requirement to join the sex offender registry.
Trying to handle a sex crimes charge on your own can give the prosecution exactly what they want. Get help from a skilled sex crimes lawyer in Pomona to bolster your odds of successfully fighting these severe charges. You can find lawyers with a history of courtroom success at the Simmrin Law Group.
Protect Your Future with a Sex Crimes Lawyer
You could be charged with a sex crime for many acts in Pomona. Many of the following actions are considered to be sexual abuse or sexual misconduct:
- Indecent Exposure
- Lewd Conduct
- Prostitution
- Sexual Battery
- Rape
You could also face charges for sex acts that impact a minor, including:
- Seduce or Solicit a Minor
- Traveling to Meet a Minor
- Statutory Rape
- Child Pornography
The state of California also uses sex crimes charges to prosecute human trafficking. You could also be charged for failing to register as a sex offender. No matter what sex crimes charge you’re facing, your future could be at risk. Contacting a criminal defense lawyer right away can boost your chances of fighting these charges successfully.
For a free legal consultation with a sex crimes lawyer serving Pomona, call (310) 896-2723
Indecent Exposure and Lewd Conduct Charges
You can be charged for indecent exposure for revealing your private parts while in a public place. Indecent exposure can be treated as a misdemeanor or a felony in the court system. You could spend up to 3 years in prison if convicted of indecent exposure.
Lewd conduct occurs if you touch your own private parts or the private parts of someone else in public. You can also be charged with lewd conduct for asking another individual to touch your private parts. Lewd conduct is a misdemeanor that can lead to 6 months of jail time in Pomona.
Pomona Sex Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Pomona’s Charges for Prostitution and Human Trafficking
You can be charged with soliciting a prostitute if you pay someone to perform a sex act in Pomona. California also uses the charge of prostitution to prosecute individuals who perform sex acts in exchange for payment. You can end up spending 180 days in jail for any involvement in prostitution.
A charge for human trafficking can be treated far more severely by the court system in Pomona. Human trafficking occurs if someone is compelled to carry out an illegal act. This compulsion usually involves depriving an individual of his or her liberty.
You can be charged with a felony if accused of human trafficking in California. A human trafficking conviction can lead to life in prison.
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Sexual Battery and Rape Charges
Sexual battery occurs if someone is touched in an unwanted sexual manner. Sexual battery does not cover forced intercourse, or rape. The court system in Pomona treats sexual battery as either a misdemeanor or a felony.
Individuals are charged with rape for forcing someone else to take part in a non-consensual sex act. A rape charge can apply if someone is drugged, threatened, or physically made to perform a sex act. Date rape is a specific type of rape that can occur if the victim and perpetrator knew one another.
Any form of rape will be charged as a felony in Pomona. A conviction for rape could lead to 8 years of time in prison. A rape charge can impact the rest of your life. You don’t have to face this charge alone. Get help from a sex crimes lawyer as you move forward with your case.
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Pomona’s Charges for Sex Crimes Against Minors
Sex crimes that involve children are dealt with more severely than those involving other adults. Many of these crimes are described as child sexual abuse or child molestation. There are also specific charges used to prosecute sex crimes involving minors, including:
Seduce or Solicit a Minor
You can be charged with seducing or soliciting a minor if you engage in sexual misconduct with the use of a computer or the internet. Seduce or solicit a minor can be treated as a misdemeanor or a felony by the courts in Pomona.
Traveling to Meet a Minor
Individuals travel to meet a minor if they arrange a sexually motivated meeting with a minor. This charge is sometimes referred to as arranging to meet a minor for lewd purposes. You could face misdemeanor or felony charges if accused of traveling to meet a minor.
Statutory Rape
Statutory rape is defined as engaging in a sex act with an individual under the age of 18. This act is sometimes called unlawful sexual activity with a minor. The court can charge statutory rape as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on your circumstances.
Child Pornography
Sexually explicit images of minors are considered child pornography. You are not allowed to create, possess, or distribute these images. You can be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony if you are found with sexual images featuring minors.
Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
A sex crimes conviction in Pomona may require you to join California’s sex offender registry. Failure to obey this requirement can lead to additional criminal charges. You could end up spending an additional 3 years in prison and paying fines of $10,000 if convicted of failure to register as a sex offender.
Fight Sex Crime Charges in Pomona
Dealing with sex crime charges on your own can make things worse. Get help building a successful defense by contacting the skilled sex crimes lawyers of the Simmrin Law Group. We understand the court system in Pomona and can help you fight for your future. Find out what we can do for you with a FREE consultation.
You can contact us right now by filling out the form on the right or calling (310) 896-2723.
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